Chapter Two

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Rhaenys slowly stirred from her sleep, her senses alerted by a persistent knock on the heavy wooden doors of her chambers. The sound reverberated through the room, gradually pulling her out of the realm of dreams. Blinking away the remnants of slumber, she heard the familiar voices of her handmaidens outside, seeking permission to enter. With a quiet confirmation, she granted them access, granting permission to step beyond the threshold of her private sanctuary.

Four figures glided into the room, their presence both comforting and bittersweet. These were her faithful handmaidens, her companions and confidantes, who had remained a constant source of support in a tumultuous sea of uncertainty.

Their loyalty had proven unwavering, standing as a stark contrast to the calculated maneuverings of the Lannister queen who had once held sway over her handmaidens. Cersei had intentionally rotated her handmaidens, a sinister reminder to Rhaenys that no true friends could be found within the walls of King's Landing, not even among those closest to her.

In the beginning, the young Targaryen princess had yearned for friendship, a connection that would bridge the divide between her and the world around her. But the bitter reality had soon settled upon her innocent shoulders, extinguishing the flickering hope within her heart. She had come to accept the harsh truth that genuine companionship would forever elude her grasp, as long as she remained confined within the claustrophobic confines of the Red Keep.

Yet, the winds of fate had shifted. The Lannister queen now lay lifeless, her reign of terror vanquished. With Cersei's demise, the king and his entourage cared little for the affairs of the Targaryen captive. Rhaenys had been permitted to retain her handmaidens, a small but significant concession granted to her since the moment Cersei's severed head had tumbled from her lifeless body.

As Rhaenys adorned herself with garments befitting her status, her loyal attendants informed her of the king's summons. It had been a full two moons since she had last sat vigil by his bedside, recounting the tales of her ancestral lineage in an effort to comfort him during his illness. Once he had recovered, the exchanges between them had become infrequent, reduced to mere superficial pleasantries. The news of the king's request now surged through her, causing her hands to grow clammy with a mixture of anticipation and trepidation.

With measured steps, she traversed the hallways of the Red Keep, making her way towards Maegor's holdfast where the royal quarters stood. Ser Barristan Selmy, ever vigilant and steadfast, stationed himself at the entrance, a stoic guardian of the king's chambers. By his side stood Ser Arys Oakheart.

Silently, Rhaenys approached the threshold, her heart quickening its pace with every footfall. The weight of uncertainty hung in the air as she prepared herself to face the enigmatic ruler of the Seven Kingdoms, her destiny intertwined with the shifting sands of power and politics.

With a mix of anticipation and apprehension, Rhaenys hesitated before pushing open the heavy doors to the king's quarters. Unlike her previous visits, where he had been confined to his bed, the king now sat upright at his desk, engrossed in a sea of parchment scattered across its surface. His solemn gaze lifted as she approached, her presence acknowledged by a curt nod.

As she reached the desk, Rhaenys performed a graceful curtsy, a gesture of deference befitting her station. "Your Grace, you called for me?" she inquired, her voice tinged with a blend of respect and curiosity. Observing Lord Robert fumbling amidst the disarray of papers, she sensed a certain restlessness in his demeanor. Something had prompted this summons and Rhaenys was eager to know why.

"A letter from Prince Doran arrived a few moons ago for you," Lord Robert finally spoke, his voice resonating with a deep timbre that commanded attention. His words hung in the air, laden with implications. Rhaenys' brows furrowed, her mind racing to comprehend the significance of such correspondence.

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