My heart only beat for you

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           Now Jimin was sitting at a lake side and patiently wait for someone while thinking about the same old plans for his future.  This 7 years become  magic for both vmin, just b'coz of our J.K.
They became good friends after the day at garden.  In those 7 years , Jimin became a great dancer without his dad knowing. He loves to dance and it was his passion.  He wants to became a professional dancer.

       Jungkook wants to became a painting artists.  But his parents forced him to take Business Administration after his high school. So he is going to do .  But he never likes to do businesses administration.  He was trying to  persuades him parents. 

      Taehyung wants to became a director.  His writings never failed to get first price in school skits or one act play or even a big plays. He always concerned about  his audience when he came to write.  So he use simple language with a clear theme of the story to convey . And his parents already give him a green signal.  His stories always get overviewed by Jimin.  Because Jimin  was a great advisor . He used to play with words.   Jimin 's small small corrections makes a turning  point of story or we can say his corrections make some sense at some points.

      These 7 years become heaven of the trios. They enjoyed their life even in lot of struggles. They face them while helping eachother. They became really close to each other . Particularly, Jk and Jimin.  They used to down lot of time together and mostly hanging out together.   Jk was a great speaker he can easily persuade others. He was a best motivater. His small line "It's ok, you can do it " makes the duos get their stamina back. He loves both his friends not knowing with had some feelings for him. And little duo not knowing he have some feelings for a person among duos.

      *His rail of thoughts were broke by laughing sounds and he looked like the direction only to saw a sceen make him irritated or we can say jealousy a little bit..* but he not want to exposed his feeling now. So, he became act like normal.

Jimin: You assholes. How long I have to wait for you? Where did you gone?

Tae: Yes jerk. You know we went to eat ice cream . That's why we are late.

Jimin: Oh! So you two completely forgot about me. So nice of you let me go.(turned to go but v shop him)

Tae: oh my angry mochi! We were kidding  ya. Don't be Angry.

Jk:  (jk hugged Jimin and kissed him on both cheeks and forehead) Sorry Minnie! We are struked in traffic.  That's why we are late.  He was
lying.(puppy eyes)

Jimin: always you cheats with your puppy eyes. So it forgive you both for last time . *their closer interaction between them made someone's feel uneasy otherwise, jealousy.

Tae: Leave it guys.  I asked you to meet here for a specific reason.

Jm: So say , for what?

Tae: we were in last year in high school right. So I decided to do something special for our culturals.

Jk:(eagerly) whats that.

Tae: I'm giving to prepare a script for drama. 

Jimin: Nice , then?

Tae: about friendship of us.  About these 7 years.

Jk: Great. I excited you know.  But why cultural  day. Is there is any special.

Tae:  (chuckled) yeah! But seems like someone forget that already.

Jimin: oh my lil bear! When did Said i forgot alreay. I clearly remember everything.

Jk: What you mean by that? What special that day?

Duos: Well. That was our 15th year friendship anniversary. 

Jk: amazing . 15 years! wow! Anyways congrats of advance.

Jimin: But I didn't expect you to prepare a script skit.

Tae:  It's not a skit but a play. (Chuckled about his 1st day with Jimin ) you know Jk how we met. We used to go to a same play school.  He came with his parents.  Walk Like a model.  Wearing a cute white shirt with blue jeans shorts.  Completely covered with black overcoat . But same cute and angry and cold  mochi.  I was afraid what will I do if he was a bully. But eventually  became closer to him.

Jimin: yeah! I agree with you. But he was exact opposite of me. Being funny, active and cute lovable etc...

Jk: (laughed by the introduction story  of each other )

Tae: uhmm.. shall we go? It's getting late. (While looking at watch)

Jimin: Yeah.

Jk: You go. I'll stay with Minnie some more time.

Tae: (hesitantly nods before left)

Jimin: (after Tae left ) hey why did you do that?

Jk:(act like nothing ) what did I did?

Jimin: Don't pretend.  Why are you kissing Infront of him.

Jk: He won't mind afterall he is our Tae. You don't overthink.

   Like the day passed. Both .Jimin and Jungkook laughed and hanging out together before they left to each other houses.



     See you later:)


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