Almost wishing some stupid sod would try to rob him he started walking, trying to shrug off the evening's events. Since when did he run away from silly girls?

Embarrassment filled him, he was part of the Phantom Troupe after all, a master thief and expert torturer and not in the habit of running from anyone or anything. He sighed, he'd probably feel better if he killed someone.

Another sound, a soft meow made him look down at the big cat from before, it was staring at him with huge golden eyes, almost luminescent in the weak light. Despite himself he smiled and squatted down, holding his hand out toward it. The cat gave him a suspicious look, then bravely stepped forward, butting its head against Feitan's hand.

'You good cat, no scared,' Feitan said, scratching a furry cheek, enjoying the steady purr coming from the animal's throat and chest.

Something smooth and cool touched his neck, going under his bandana, and he immediately spun around, hand instinctively gathering its nen claws, thrusting them deep into the chest of the attacker. The cat gave a surprisingly human scream and darted off, its tail puffy in fear, while Feitan dumbly stared into a familiar face, now slumping to the side, long blonde hair falling over it.

'Stupid,' he muttered. Why the hell had she tried to sneak up on him like that? How had she even managed to find him? She must have some form of tracking ability, he thought. Or, she must have had one. Now he watched her body dissolve in small flashes of bluish light that blinked and disappeared.

Oddly, her death left a bad taste in his mouth and he wasn't sure why. It wasn't as if he'd liked her, in fact, he had wanted to kill her several times already. Well, there was nothing he could do about it now, so he continued walking until he reached a major street. Surprisingly, quite a lot of people were still out and about, and some of the small shops were open despite the late hour.

He strolled down a cobbled street until he reached another square and noticed a huge gray building. While it might not qualify as ominous looking, it was blessedly free of hearts and anything even remotely pink. 'The Aiai Best Hotel' the modest wooden sign read. Feitan grinned, it would be perfect. He eagerly climbed the stairs to the door and pushed it open. Minutes later he had the key to a pleasant room with an attached bathroom in his hand, and he sighed contentedly. Shower, book, a comfortable bed. He was looking forward to all three.

Feitan stepped out of the bathroom, wiping at his hair with a towel, when he froze. The girl from earlier was sitting on the bed, his bed, looking at him with big eyes, twirling her blonde hair around a finger. He immediately moved the towel further down to cover his private parts, glaring at her. Even if he ignored the fact that he had killed her only an hour ago, how the hell had she gotten into his room? He was certain both the door and window were locked, and anyway, he'd have heard if either had been opened.

'How you get here?' he demanded, trying to wrap the towel firmly around his hips.

'You have an unfinished quest,' she smiled at him in what was probably supposed to be a charming and seductive way.

'Have not!'

'Dinner and perhaps drinks after.'

'Already do that!'

'Error. Evening not completed.' Oh, no, as far as he was concerned their evening was very much completed, she just needed to get the hell out. He opened the door and pointed,

'You leave. Get out. Now!'

She got up from the bed, but instead of leaving she closed in on him, reaching out with both arms as if to embrace him. Feitan panicked and shoved her into the hallway so hard she made a dent in the opposite wall. There was a crunching sound, and for the second time, he watched her body dissolve into light and disappear. He quickly closed the door and leaned against it, tucking the towel tighter around him. What the hell? If he had believed in ghosts he might have thought that she was one, but he didn't.

Then orbs of blue light materialized right in front of him and the process reversed until the girl stood before him again, looking just like before, pink dress and all. She gave him a big smile,

'You have an unfinished quest.'

Feitan stared at her, keeping a tight grip on his towel, then it dawned on him what she must be, and he felt like a fool for not realizing it earlier. She wasn't a player, not even a real person. She was an NPC. And on top of that a malfunctioning one it seemed.

Feitan cursed. He wished he could speak to Shalnark, this was his area of expertise after all, but even if he had joined the game, he wasn't in Feitan's game book yet so contacting him was impossible for now.

That left Phinks, who knew much less about games than Feitan did, but perhaps could offer some sort of advice anyway, or at least some moral support.

He chuckled, who was he kidding? Phinks would be howling with laughter and make too many, too bad, highly inappropriate jokes.

But, didn't NPCs usually remain tied to their area? Then perhaps Phinks could be useful after all. But first things first.

'Book,' he said, and when the game book appeared in front of him he quickly leafed through it until he found the card he assumed was for doing laundry and took it out. Holding it over the pile containing all his dirty clothes he said, 'Gain', and the card immediately transformed into a soapy ball of bubbles surrounding his clothes, lifting them in the air and spinning them, filling the room with a pleasant scent. Not a minute later the clothes were neatly folded, sitting on the small table next to the bed. Feitan picked them up and went into the bathroom to get dressed.

'I go out,' he announced when he was done, sighing as she brightened up and headed to the door.

'Wonderful, a romantic late night stroll in the moonlight,' she chirped and he groaned. Well, what had he expected?

The Glitch - Feitan in AiaiWhere stories live. Discover now