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Tzuyu went to school without Momo, Mina and Chaeyoung. She came a little late so she won't go with them. She don't want to trouble them anymore so she decided to avoid them in school.

As she enter the school students look at her in disgust. Whisper bad things about her. She walk to her room but to her surprise Yoori is breaking her chair.

"Yoori stop. Mingyu already cancel the joker" Yeojin said

"After what she did to Mingyu she deserved this and stop acting as if you didn't do anything to her yesterday" she don't want to hear what Yoori is about to say next cause she know it would just hurt her

She didn't went inside her room instead she went to the bathroom. The tears that she tried to hold is now falling.

"Are you okay?" A girl asked

"I'm fine" Tzuyu said and wipe her tears

"I know your not. Here" She give her a handkerchief

"Thanks" Tzuyu hesitated at first bit she saw that the girl is sincere

"I'm Jennie by the way" the girl smiled at her as if she doesn't know about the photos

"Tzuyu" she shortly said and was about to leave when Jennie said something

"I know your having a hard time right now but please stay strong because you need to" she didn't turn around but she heard what Jennie said before she continue walking.

She was bothered by what Jennie said but since she just met her so she just shrugged the thought of what Jennie said.

Jihyo is walking alone in the hallway when she came across Dokyeom. Jihyo is always mean and cold towards him but he still keeps on starting a conversation to her.

"Jihyo-yah" Dokyeom called

"What?" She rolled her eyes before looking at him

"How is Tzuyu?" He asked

"Why are you asking?" She looks annoyed at him

"I'm just worried" Dokyeom said

"You don't need to worry we are here to help her. The one you should worry about is not Tzuyu. Your friend seems to need it more" she said and just left him

"She's mean but i know she has a heart" Dokyeom whisper before continue walking opposite to her direction.

"Mingyu" Minghao said once he saw Mingyu getting inside there hangout room

"What's up boy?" Woozi greeted but Mingyu just ignore him

"He just ignore you" Seungkwan whisper at Woozi but the later just rolled his eyes

"Mingyu where have you been?" Seungcheol asked as if he didn't know where he was these past few days

"Bar" he coldly said

"Until when are you going to be like this?" Jeonghan asked with his arms crossed and not even looking at Mingyu

"What do you mean?" Mingyu look at him confused

"Why don't you just talk to Tzuyu and listen to her explanation" Jeonghan said

"I don't wanna hear her name ever again" Mingyu said

"You just jump into conclusion without listening to her" Mingyu started to get annoyed so he stand up and was about to leave when Jeonghan spoke again

"Stop being a child and face the reality. I know your just afraid" Jeonghan added

"You don't know anything!" Mingyu grab Jeonghan's collar but he just smirked

"Your just afraid that she might be using you for money" with that statement Jeonghan earn a punch from Mingyu

Everyone was shocked by the scene. Joshua immediately grab Mingyu away from Jeonghan to avoid a big fight.

"Your afraid to get hurt" Jeonghan said with a smirked adding a flame to the fire

"Jeonghan stop" Seungcheol said

Mingyu run back to Jeonghan and grab his collar. Joshua keep on grabbing Mingyu away from Jeonghan but Mingyu is just too strong.

"Your being like this because you like her and the fact that you like a girl that has that kind of work" His smirked never left his face

"You don't know anything about me!" Mingyu push him causing Jeonghan to sat back to the couch.

Mingyu left slamming the door while the others was left in shocked.

"What the heck just happened" Dino said starring at the door

"You shouldn't have done that" Woozi said

"Ah, his punch was hard" Jeonghan said holding his jaw

"Sana texted Tzuyu and Mingyu met at the entrance" Jun said

"Why would my sister text you not me?" Minghao asked but Jun just shrugged with a playful smirk in his face

"Good. I almost ruin my face just to delay him for a bit" Jeonghan said standing up to get some fresh air.

Earlier even before Minghao saw Mingyu coming in there hang out room Dokyeom already saw him getting inside the campus he immediately run towards there hang out room and tell the others. They immediately call Tzuyu to tell her that Mingyu is in the campus but she was absent that time since she have a fever. Tzuyu beg them to delay Mingyu for a bit and the boys gladly agreed but they didn't expect that the delay will be like that.

They already know the truth about the photo. After Seungcheol's talk with Yeri they immediately call Tzuyu to tell her about it. She tell them the truth behind those photo and the boys believe her and wanted to help her to fix her misunderstanding with Mingyu. They know Mingyu is being like that because he like the girl. His hurt and the boys don't want to see him like that anymore.

"Mingyu" Tzuyu utter his name

She was panting so hard since she ran from the bus stop to her school. She look so pale right now and her hair is messy. If he was on his right mind right now he will be so worried to Tzuyu but he was full of hatred to think of that.

"Let's talk" she grab his arms when his about to escape

"Don't touch me!" Mingyu shouted causing a some students to look at them.

Tzuyu notice the students starts to look at them and start whispering to each other. Tzuyu wants them to talk privately so she drag Mingyu to a uncrowded place. Once they arrive Mingyu immediately shove her hands and was about to leave again but Tzuyu stop him again.

"Listen to me for a while please" Tzuyu beg

"I'll give you a minute" Mingyu said and look at her with his cold look

"You misunderstood the photos Mingyu" Tzuyu started

"The photo is so clear Tzuyu" Mingyu remain expressionless

"The truth is i was fighting them that time Mingyu. They said they would give me a work but i didn't know it was like that. Once i knew about it was like that i wanted to back out but the costumer stopped me. If i know it was like that in the first place i wouldn't accept it at all. Mingyu please believe me I'm telling the truth" Tzuyu holds Mingyu's hand not just because she's begging but also she's feeling dizzy.

"I'm sorry if i didn't believe you. I believe you now Tzuyu" Mingyu said.

Tzuyu replied with only a smile since she's too weak to reply to his statement. All of a sudden Tzuyu stumble because her surroundings starts to get blurry good thing Mingyu catch her.

"Tzuyu are you okay?" Mingyu asked, this time his worried for her

"I-i'm good. Don't worry" Tzuyu stand straight acting that she's fine but the truth is she's feeling so dizzy

"You have a fever" Mingyu said after he touch her forehead

"I'll take you home" Mingyu added and Tzuyu just nodded.

They were on there way to Mingyu's car when Tzuyu suddenly collapse. Mingyu immediately carry her but instead he bring her to a hospital, he bring her to his house.

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