Chapter 11: The power of the saiyans

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Vegeta: UAGHHHHHHHHH!!!! DAMM YOU!!!!!!!!!

Vegeta flys back to the ground awaiting him was goku, nylon, and nappa.

Vegeta: In this case we might just need to become great apes!! HIYAAAA!!!
Goku and Nylon: Whoa!!!
Vegeta: Brust open and mix!!!

The blast that vegeta sent to the air then explodes turning him and nappa into great apes. Nutta wakes up and see them.

Goku: No way!!!

Vegeta and Nappa are now great apes

Nappa: Looks like the tables have turned!!
Vegeta: this is the end for you now!!!

Nylon thinks of a plan of how they can defeat them.

Nylon: Let's take out nappa first then vegeta!
Goku: Got it!!

Nylon and Goku fire some ki blast at nappa. Nylon throws a kamehameha and goku throws a ki blast bomb at nappa.

Nappa: Grahh!!! Why you!!!
Nylon and Goku doge and continue to fire ki blast at nappa. It shows that Nutta is getting up to figut back but he then see the giant apes.

Nutta: Whoa!! There huge!!

Nutta I'm completely shocked watches nylon and Goku fight the giant apes.

Nutta: I got to do something and not just stand here doing nothing!

Nutta then grows to a giant and takes charge at nappa.

Nutta: Haaaaaaa!!!!!

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