Unauthorized Mission

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"Look, just focus on your training, and eventually your time will come." Mr. Davenport says.

"This isn't fair. I'm never gonna get to go on a mission." Spin says, storming out of the training room.

"See how I handled that, guys? These kids are so lucky to have me." Mr. Davenport says.

"Too old, too vain. Bye-bye." Leo says.

"Bye," I say as Leo and I walk away.


"Look, I got to admit, Mr. Davenport, you did a really good job designing this place," Bree says as she and Mr. Davenport walked into the common room.

"This academy is my greatest achievement. Of all the things I've built, this is the thing I'm most proud of." Mr. Davenport says. Principal Perry steps out of the hydro loop.

"Morning, Don. Morning, girl." Perry says.

"The island is contaminated. Get everyone to the lifeboats. We can blow it up. I wasn't attached to it anyways." Mr. Davenport says.

"How did you get on our hydro loop?" Bree asks Perry.

"I dated your security guard for three weeks to gain his trust. When that didn't work, I knocked him out and stole his keys." Perry says.

"How much ocean do we have to put between us to get away from you?" Mr. Davenport says.

"Ain't enough water in the world. My webbed toes double as flippers. When I spread them out, they look like baby pterodactyls." Perry says.

"Why are you here?" Mr. Davenport says.

"I retired. The school just wasn't the same without my favorite freaks to torment. I tried, but I couldn't hate the new kids as much as I hate you guys." Perry says. "Anyhoo, a little birdie told me your robot school is looking for an administrator."

"Yeah, we're not. But tell you what, leave your resume and we'll call you if we lose our minds." Mr. Davenport says.

"Oh, how about a gardener?" Perry says.

"No." Mr. Davenport says.

"Short order cook?"


"Unlicensed psychotherapist?"


"Look, I'm bored and I want to get back in the game. Just tell me what you need. I could be your barber. Nobody likes a pretty girl with long hair." Perry says pretending to cut Bree's hair.

"Okay. The only thing we need is a security guard to keep people like you out." Bree says.

"Yes, I could be your head of security. I've been a warden, a guard, any position in prison, I've held it, including inmate." Perry says.

"Sorry, cell block Sally, we're not hiring." Mr. Davenport says, pushing Perry to the hydro loop.

"But you need me!" Perry says. Once she is shoved into the hydro loop, the doors close and Perry's shirt is torn between the doors as the hydro loop speeds away.

"Her shirt got stuck," Bree says.

"Yeah, that's the mainland's problem now." Mr. Davenport says.

In the training room, Mr. Davenport was training some students while holding a shield. "Okay, using the technique I just taught you, attack me." Once Mr. Davenport holds up his shield, the group of students use their bionics to attack Mr. Davenport, sending him to the floor. "Not all at once! Just everybody take five. Okay? Let's just take five. Thank you. Thank you. You take ten." The students leave the room as Mr. Davenport walks up to Bree, Chase, and me.

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