Boys Will Be Boys (Shikamaru's P.O.V.)

शुरू से प्रारंभ करें:


I'm sorry man. She surprised me at my house

and begged me to come with her. We just went

to a bar and passed out in the park. I forgot to tell

my parents too. We weren't thinking.

I sighed, hoping that was enough to smooth things over. He knew that I knew they had gotten into it, and we both knew the way Kumaraki recklessly liked to clear her head sometimes. I lit another cigarette in my anxiety. I wondered how hard he had come down on her. She hadn't seemed too upset when she got to school this morning, so it didn't seem like he was locking her up for the next fifteen years. Another puff, another 'ding' on my phone.

U. Obito:

At least I know she was safe. Thanks for

keeping an eye out.

The smoke and a sigh of relief came out of my mouth all at once. At least he didn't seem irate like my mom had been. And for some reason, the fact that he assumed she was safe with me gave me a strange sense of pride. Now I had other things to worry about. The girls had just walked up. Ino was talking with Raki, and upon hearing the phrase 'when you girls get to my house for the sleepover...' Naruto's eyes lit up and he smirked at Choji. He sauntered over to the girls and leaned forward with his hands behind his back.

"What time does it start and should I bring my own pillow...or will those be provided?" He grinned like a fox.

Instead of a verbal reply, Raki rolled her eyes and scoffed while Hinata blushed. Sakura's reply was more physical in form. She connected a mean right hook with his left cheek. I chuckled at his audacity and the consequences for it as he turned around and headed back towards us, rubbing his now swollen visage.

"Well that's just fine Sakura! If we can't all be invited, us guys will just have our own sleepover...right guys?"His eyes lit up as he looked to each of us.

Sasuke huffed and said he would come over if Naruto never called it a sleepover again. Naruto laughed and shrugged. Then he looked at me to confirm my attendance next. I begrudgingly agreed to his proposal and the rest of the guys followed suit shortly there after. Tomorrow, while Raki and the girls were hanging out at Ino's, all the guy's were headed to Naruto's for a boy's night. Naruto was my friend and I didn't mind hanging out with him. I didn't even mind hanging out with gloomy ass Sasuke, but Kiba had become almost insufferable since he began pursuing Raki. I wondered if I could be patient enough to refrain from beating his ass for a night, if said topic came up, knowing there was an overwhelmingly high chance there would be alcohol involved and it most definitely would.


On Saturday I slept in until noon. Choji calling me woke me up. I grumbled, sitting up only to stop the incessant ringing of the phone.

"What's up man?" I cleared my throat.

"Oh...hey, did I wake you?" came his reply.

"It's fine, I needed to get up anyway. I'm gonna jump in the shower. You headed over here?" I asked

"Yeah you want me to bring anything?" He sugested in between the crunching of potato chips.

"Shit, bring your poker set. Maybe one of us can clean someone out later," I said hitting a fresh bowl.

Kumo No Naka Ni Atamaजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें