Ch. 19: See the G*ddamn reason

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[See the G*ddamn reason]


As the morning sunlight filtered through the curtains, gently rousing us from our slumber, I couldn't help but smile at the sight of Maya. Her hair was disheveled, strands sticking out in various directions, giving her a slightly tattered appearance. Teasingly, I couldn't resist making a playful remark.

"Well, someone woke up with quite the bedhead. You look absolutely adorable, Maya."

A blush crept across her cheeks as she attempted to tame her unruly hair. It was a lighthearted moment, a small respite from the intensity of the past days.

We gathered our belongings and made our way back home, hailing a cab that would take us on the journey. As we approached Maya's house, a knot formed in my stomach. I knew that a confrontation with her mother was inevitable, and I could only hope that our fabricated story would suffice.

As we entered the living room, the atmosphere felt tense. Maya's mother and my own mother were seated, their expressions a mix of concern and curiosity. They wasted no time in questioning our whereabouts the previous day, their eyes fixed on us.

"Where were the two of you? We were worried sick! Don't you know the importance of communication?"

My mind raced, searching for the right words to deflect their suspicions. I took a deep breath, hoping my voice would sound convincing.

"We... we went to see the fireworks, but on our way back, we realized that our bike's fuel tank was empty. We had to spend the night in a nearby motel until we could arrange for someone to bring us more fuel."

Maya chimed in, her voice steady but tinged with a touch of nervousness.

"Yes, it was quite unexpected, but we managed to make the best of the situation. We're sorry for worrying you."

Both mothers exchanged skeptical glances, but seemed to accept our explanation for the time being.

"Well, next time, make sure to keep us informed. It's important to prioritize your safety."

We nodded in agreement, grateful that they seemed willing to let the matter rest, at least for now. It was a temporary reprieve, a chance to gather our thoughts and strategize our next moves.

As we settled into the familiar surroundings of Maya's home, I couldn't help but feel a mixture of relief and trepidation. Our lie had bought us some time, but the truth was bound to catch up with us eventually. And when it did, we would have to face the consequences head-on, ready to defend the choices we had made and the love we had found in each other.

Maya and her mother left the room to fetch something and I found myself alone with my own mother, a weighty silence hanging between us. It was in that moment that I felt compelled to express my feelings, to shed light on the depth of my love for Maya and my desire to spend the rest of my life with her.

"Mother, there's something I need to tell you. Maya... she means the world to me. I've never felt this way before, and I can't imagine my life without her. I want to be by her side, to support and cherish her, no matter what."

I searched my mother's eyes for a flicker of understanding, hoping that she would see the sincerity in my words. However, the reaction I received was far from what I had hoped for. Disapproval filled her gaze, and her words dripped with disdain.

"Alexander, you don't understand. Maya is... not the right match for you. She comes from a different background, and she simply doesn't fit into our world. You deserve someone more... suitable."

Her words stung, and I felt a surge of anger rising within me. How could she dismiss Maya so easily, judging her solely based on her economic background? It became clear that my mother's prejudice against those she deemed "poor" ran deeper than I had realized.

Before my mother could continue with her misguided opinions, the sound of Maya and her mother's return interrupted the conversation. We were forced to halt our discussion, concealing the unresolved tension beneath a thin veneer of civility.

Maya's presence filled the room, her radiant smile offering a temporary respite from the growing unease. Yet, beneath the surface, I knew that the clash between my love for Maya and my mother's prejudice would need to be addressed sooner or later.

As Maya and her mother settled back into the room, the atmosphere shifted, the underlying tension simmering just beneath the surface. I exchanged a glance with Maya, silently reassuring her that I would stand by her side, no matter the obstacles we faced.

In that moment, I resolved to confront my mother's prejudice, to challenge her narrow-minded perspective and fight for the love I had found. Maya had become an integral part of my life, and I was determined to ensure that she would be welcomed and accepted, despite any initial resistance.

It was clear that the road ahead would not be easy, but the depth of my love for Maya gave me the strength to persevere. Together, we would face the challenges that lay ahead, breaking down barriers and proving that love transcends social boundaries.

"Maya" her mom said, "I'm sorry, meet Mrs. Winters"

"Oh thanks mom, but I need to speak with Alexander in private... A.. Please" before she could stumble on any more of her words, I smiled and excused myself.

As Maya led me out of the room, away from the prying eyes and judgmental remarks, we sought refuge in her own space, her sanctuary. In the privacy of her room, she turned to me, concern etched on her face, and asked about my mother's reaction.

"Alex, what did your mother say? Is she still holding onto her prejudices?"

I sighed heavily, feeling the weight of frustration and disappointment settling upon my shoulders.

"Maya, I'm sorry to say that my mother's stance hasn't changed. She remains stubbornly attached to her biased views, and I'm getting sick of it, truly sick. It pains me to witness her closed-mindedness."

As I turned to lie down on the bed, seeking a moment of respite from the emotional turmoil, a sudden jolt of pain surged through my head. It was as if a lightning bolt had struck, leaving me disoriented and paralyzed. My body felt distant, unresponsive, and I struggled to make sense of what was happening.

Maya's cries reached my ears, distant and muffled, as my vision blurred and darkness consumed me. I could no longer feel the weight of my own body, and a sense of impending doom enveloped my consciousness. As my eyes closed, the world faded into an abyss of unconsciousness.

The last sound I heard was Maya's voice, filled with fear and desperation, echoing in the depths of my fading awareness.

"Alex, please" ...

A/N: this chapter pained me to write, but he had to fall sick... Comment and vote...

Ohh Maya ✓Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora