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2022. November

Oceanna's POV

"Okay, the last corner Senn, 1,6 gap behind you, " I hear Aaron call down on the radio, I take a breath before taking the last corner and speeding out to the straight. "AND THAT IS IT OCEANA HENDERSON YOU ARE THE FORMULA 2 WORLD CHAMPION!" Aaron's words ring inside my head, "Wow, omg, I don't even know what to say, whew, huge thank you to the team the work you guys put in the past year is just incredible, thank you, truly thank you, everyone," I stutter out as I am unable to find any real words. I feel my eyes blur from the tears as I park the car behind the beautiful number 1 sign.  

I jump into my team, unable to stop myself from crying, as everyone keeps congratulating me, I step in to get myself weighed before finally seeing my grams "You did it, gorgeous," she holds my face as she cries, her Greek accent stronger than ever, she just kisses the top of my head before letting me on my way, as I look up my eyes search for one certain person, but he not there. Why would he be? F1 drivers are just getting ready for their own races by now, he wouldn't waste his time here. I shake off the familiar feeling and keep on going for the celebrations. Soon we are walking out to the podium and I can feel my heart beating out of my chest as I receive my gorgeous trophy and lift it up high in the air, after I get drenched in champagne we get back on top for a photo and as I stand on top of the podium I look down at my team right before my eyes meet Zak Brown who just gives me a subtle nod with a light smirk. 

I have the F1 seat for next year.

2022. December

I park my car before the Mclaren Headquarters taking a deep breath before getting out of the car, No one knows I am getting signed and joining F1 next year. I grab my bag and walk inside finally "Hi, I am here to see Zak," I say quietly to the receptionist, but before the girl can answer me a familiar voice hits my ears. 

"Oceanna!" Lando calls for me as he quickly walks over to me "What are you doing here?" he asks while giving me a small hug. We met a few times before when he had time to watch the F2 races, but I would hardly classify us as friends. "Hey, um I-I have a meeting with Zak," I can feel my anxiety rising again. I am not ready for this yet I am ready for this. I just always found it hard to find my place in the sport as no matter what results I put on the table, I was always doubted about having a place in the sport. And the boys in the motorsport... most of them looked down on me or didn't like me because I beat them. And that was just F2, I couldn't even imagine what it is going to be like in F1

"Hey, come on I walk you," he smiles as he directs me to I assume Zak's office. "You feel okay?" He asks examining my face, I quickly force a smile on my face, "Yeah, of course, I am just a little nervous," he suddenly stops in his tracks, "Wait a minute, omg, you are going to be my new teammate!" He exclaims as he puts 2 and 2 together "What I-" I try to come up with something I am just not even sure I am signing today. "Oh come on I know he is signing today, I just didn't know who, but it's you! That's awesome!" he smiles pulling me into a hug, "No one knows," I let a small smile sit on my face "But hey I haven't signed anything yet so who knows," I shrug jokingly, "Well shall we go then?" He wiggles his eyebrows as he opens the door.

"Oceanna!" Zak smiles at me widely the moment he sees me, "Hi, Zak," "come sit down," He smiles pointing at the seat next to him. "I will leave you guys to it," Lando smirks knowingly before backing out of the office. Zak wasn't wasting any time he got straight to business, in the next hour he walked me through the entire contract step by step. Told me about events I will have to do, videos, etc, etc before we signed everything. 

"Well, that would be all," A huge grin sits on Zak's face. "Welcome to the Mclaren Formula 1 team," he shakes my hand "Thank you" I smile, "So we were thinking we would just take some pictures of you in some merchandise and with Lando for the announcement," He says while getting up from his seat, "Alright, when will the news come out?" I ask while following him "Around next week I believe," I just nod as we walk outside.

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