11 0 0

I PACKED up my last bag in the trunk of the car. I buckled into my seat and patiently waited for my parents to finish packing up. I looked down at my phone, seeing the handful of missed calls from both Antonio and Adriana. I just wanted to forget. I didn't want anything to do with this town any longer. The friends I've had for years weren't even real. Nothing was real here. I think it's a good sign that I'm leaving. I don't even believe in god, but I think he has a plan for me or something.

My mom always told me god has a plan for everyone and everything, but I never listened. Especially after my brother died. I always thought the universe had it out for me, but maybe that's not true. Maybe my mother was right. I hated admitting that.

Suddenly my thoughts were interrupted.

"Are you ready to go?" My father says, entering the drivers seat.

"As ready as I'll ever be," I replied.

I grabbed my iPod and plugged in my headphones.

I sort of felt good about starting over. I wasn't going to miss anything about this town anymore.

A/N: Next chapter will be better, thank you for reading 🤍

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