Wait a Minute...

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Today's finally the day!

You're going to show Ace how dead he is for leaving you.

"Y/n," Jeff takes a quick glance at you before sticking his eyes back on the road. "You don't look so happy to see Ace."

You never wanted to make this impression on your first day seeing your long-lost boyfriend after 5 years without a hand to hold and a shoulder to lean on during rough times. But it turns out- you are pretty pissed off at him.

"I'm fine," you keep your eyes glued to the road beside you. A hint of anger sneaks into your voice as you speak. Jeff knows something is off but decides to keep quiet. The whole car ride to Ace's location remains awkward and silent- only the sound of cars passing by and engines vrooming occupy the atmosphere.

The car starts to slow down, and you realize that you made it.

You finally made it.

"I'm going to kill this man," you slam the car door and walk up to the house's door. The garage is open, giving you the idea of sneaking through there. Your eyes won't get off of the open and empty void waiting for you- this is your chance.

"Y/n," Jeff calls after you. "Don't even think about it."

"ACE COPULAR!" You yell at the top of your lungs as you walk into the empty garage. A loud bang can be heard from behind the door of the entrance to the house. A muffled groan sounds on the other side of the garage. It seems to be coming out from below the hanging shelves full of tools.

You walk over to the source of the sound and look down to see a green man with a long snout-like nose on his knees and facing the corner. The man rubs his head and looks up at you, still on the ground. He's not Ace.

"Is Ace Copular here?" You ask slightly guilty on what you did to this mysteriously green man. He grunts as he stands up and towers over you.

"Why?" He looks at you with both eyes open this time. This causes you to raise an eyebrow.

"This doesn't require questions," you cross your arms and glare daggers at him. "What's your name?" You ask back.


"Answer me," you know that he was gonna repeat what you just said. The greenie sighs and puts his arms on his hips.


That name is just straight up stupid.

"There's no way someone decided to name their child after a reptile," you murmur under your breath and try not to let a smile sneak onto your face. "Tell me your real name, ssssnake," you imitate his lisp. Snake hesitates to tell you his real name.

"Ssstanford Ingleberry," he rubs his arms in an embarrassed manner. You let out a scoff.

"I see why you want to be called Snake," you uncross your arms and hold a hand out for him to shake. "Name's y/n."

Snake happily takes your hand to shake but he shouldn't have trusted you with that. You twist his arm onto his back and slam him face first into the wall with great force. Snake yelps when he makes impact with the cold wall.

"Tell me where Ace is," you demand. He refuses and you slam him against the wall once more. "Tell me now!"

"The hell is going on here?!" Someone yells and bursts the door wide open and stomps in. He's a tall fella alright- taller than your short figure. His skin was also the same emerald color as Snake's but the only difference is his nose and hair length.

Wait a minute...

The Hunt (Ace Copular  x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now