The Trio

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Turning around, three floating women appear behind the scene. Jeff remains on his elbows in confusion and exchanges looks with you while the outraged man looks at them with bloodshot eyes.

"Make me," the angry man mumbles and runs towards the three glowing girls. The trio split up into different directions like the leaves of a clover. The pink one plants a jaw-cracking uppercut and the green one delivers a kick into his stomach. Ouch...

"Run!" Jeff gets up and pulls your shirt collar. Before you could run for it, the blue woman zooms in front of your face and smiles innocently.

"Don't you want to see us kick his ass?" She grabs your shoulders delicately and turns you around to see the other two beating the man and his gang up. Jeff and you stare in awe watching the trio save you guys in a strange way. It takes a while for the men to surrender.

"Sorry about the chaos heh," the pink one floats to you after they finished the brawl. The green one flies all of them away. "I'm Blossom."

"I'm Bubbles," the blue one introduces herself.

"And the green one is Buttercup," Blossom points somewhere. All B's... You mentally chuckle. "We assume you're not from here. We haven't seen you around before."

"Yep," Jeff nods nervously. "Are you gonna kill us next...?"

"No, ya nitwit!" You spit at him. "They just saved our asses."

Blossom stops floating and so does Bubbles. You wonder how they got the power to float and beat up everyone without getting a scratch. This is what Ace saw everyday in his childhood, hm?

The girls and you walk out of the alleyway and into the brighter side of the world while Jeff follows behind. The alley makes you feel like you were stuck in hell for 15 minutes but this part of the city makes you forget about all of that. Now you've realized that there are two sides to Townsville and you know that Ace grew up in the dark side of the city.

"Done," Buttercup zooms next to Jeff. "By the way, what brings you here?"

"We're just looking for y/n's long-lost boyfriend," Jeff points casually at you. "The name's A-"

"ANDREW!" You interrupt the man. The fact that Ace grew up in the dark side of Townsville made you also theorize that the girls and Ace had some kind of grudge against each other. The Powerpuff Girls knowing that you're dating one of their enemies would probably get you killed. "His name is Andrew," you lie.

"Andrew..." Jeff smiles awkwardly. Buttercup rubs her chin and thinks of every person they had to save since childhood.

"Well I don't recall any Andrews being saved," she blankly says and keeps walking. "Maybe he's just too perfect to be saved." She lets out a low chortle as she teases this so-called Andrew guy. Little did she know it was Ace they were looking for.

"So where do you think he is?" Blossom questions. "We can help you find him."

"Awhawhaw, no need to help us out," you awkwardly reject the offer. The girls look at each other and shrug their shoulders in a whatever kind of way.

"Have you seen any green men here," Jeff casually asks, causing the three women to snap their heads at the man. Your figure stiffens up at the sound of Jeff trying to spoil your secret. Bubbles starts making circular motions with her hands and shrugs.

"Occasionally. They're big troublemakers but their leader is moving to a desert or something," she scoffs and rests her head on her hand while floating. Your breath gets stuck in your throat and you look up at Bubbles.

"Where is he?" You ask with no hesitation. Buttercup smirks.

"Looks like y/n is part of the baddies, hm?" The green one grins as if she knows your secret relationship with Ace. Jeff's eyes widen and he tilts his glasses down to the tip of his nose.

"No- I-I mean..." You've done it, y/n. Your ass will get kicked next. "I'm just glad he's leaving Townsville cause I heard they're bad. Especially the leader of the gang. And plus, maybe Andrew is with them... held hostage...?" It takes a while to convince the superhumans that you aren't bad at all, just looking for this 'green man you don't know at all.'

"(insert address here)," Buttercup cautiously speaks. Jeff nods and pulls your shirt sleeve away from the girls.

"Thanks for saving us by the way," he waves goodbye with his left hand while the right drags you down the grassy field and to the car parked on the side of the road. None of the girls waved back- well except for Bubbles who was waving joyfully, hoping she'll see you again one day. Blossom and Buttercup keep suspicious looks on their faces.

"Keep an eye on them," Blossom crosses her arms and watches you guys drive away in the direction to the given address.

The Hunt (Ace Copular  x Reader)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang