Chapter 53- Wait, Is this Fucking Play About Us?

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"Of course, babe."

Sokka smiled happily as we continued to watch the play.

Actress Katara now stood in the canoe. "Every day, the world awaits a beacon to guide us, yet none appears." She held her hand out dramatically, clasping it together. "Still, we cannot give up hope! For hope is all we have! And we must never relinquish it, even..." She sniffed and fell back into a sitting position. "even to our dying breath!" She leaned over the side of the canoe, burying her face in her hands and crying.

Suki stifled a giggle, and I covered my mouth to suppress a laugh. Sokka looked over at Katara with an amused smile.

Displeased, Katara murmured, "Well, that's just silly. I don't sound like that."

Amused, Toph chuckled. "Oh man! This writer's a genius!"

Actress Katara remained slumped over the canoe, and suddenly, an iridescent light shone from above. She turned her head upward, shocked. A model iceberg appeared on the stage, with the vague silhouette of a figure visible from behind. The two actors stood up in the canoe.

"It appears to be someone frozen in ice, perhaps for a hundred years."

I couldn't help but murmur, "And how would she know that just by looking at the iceberg?"

Suki softly laughed beside me.

The silhouette swayed from side to side inside the iceberg prop. "But who? Who is the boy in the iceberg?"

Actress Katara stood before the figure, and Actor Sokka hopped onto the prop.

"Waterbend! Hi-yah!" Actress Katara mimicked waterbending with a karate chop. The silhouette vanished, and steam billowed from the splitting iceberg prop.

An actress portraying Aang jumped onto the stage, striking a pose with one hand on her hip and winking at the audience. She wore a flesh-colored cap over her hair to portray baldness, along with exaggerated blush and a feminine demeanor.

"Who are you, frozen boy?"

Actress Aang giggled in a high-pitched voice. "I'm the Avatar, silly, here to spread joy and fun!" She leaned toward Actress Katara, laying a finger on her lips, and also motioned towards Actor Sokka before standing upright and spreading her arms out in a cheery gesture.

Aang was in disbelief, leaning forward over the railing. "Wait, is that a woman playing me?"

A crude, costumed-version of Appa suddenly bursting up from behind the trio of actors; loud festival music presently played. The replica of Appa swaying from side to side before leaping off the iceberg prop.

The three actors, only their legs visible in the bison costume, ran across the stage from right to left, disappearing behind the iceberg prop.

Actress Katara gasped. "An airbender!" She clasped her hands to her chest. "My heart is so full of hope," she dropped down on one knee emotionally. "that it's making me tearbend!" She began to cry and grabbed onto Actress Aang's leg. Actress Katara continued to bawl dramatically.

"My stomach is so empty, that it's making me tearbend!" Actor Sokka threw his arms up hopelessly before dropping to his knees, clutching onto Actress Aang's other leg, and crying. "I need meat!"

𝕍𝕖𝕟𝕦𝕤 𝕥𝕙𝕖 𝕂𝕪𝕠𝕤𝕙𝕚 𝕎𝕒𝕣𝕣𝕚𝕠𝕣: 𝕊𝕠𝕜𝕜𝕒 𝕩 𝕆𝕔Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora