35 - child

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The end-of-year celebration took place on a roof terrace, from which one had an unbelievable view over the city. The elevator doors opened and George held out his arm so I could link my arm. Together we stepped outside through the interior, where we were immediately greeted by Toto and his friends. 

Susie and I immediately struck up a conversation while Toto and George joined some other men in suits. After a few minutes, a little boy suddenly ran to Susie and snuggled up to her side. He looked really cute in those nice pants and shirt and I leaned down to him after asking the woman in front of me which language he would prefer.

(conversation in German)

"Hello, I'm Annabelle and who are you?"

"Jack," he answered uncertainly, hiding behind his mother.

Susie smiled at me and stepped aside so Jack couldn't hide behind her. He shyly grabbed my hand, which I held out to him and then shook. At that moment, Toto called his wife, who looked frantically at him. Her eyes fell on Jack, who wasn't so shy anymore and she looked at me. Of course, I immediately complied with her request to keep an eye on Jack while she went to Toto and the other men. The boy immediately grabbed my hand and together we walked over to the tables that had some dishes on them.

"Are you hungry?" I asked Jack, smiling at him.

"Yes, really hungry."

He pointed to his stomach and I had to laugh. Since the tables were quite high, I grabbed the boy and lifted him up. I held Jack by my side with one hand and picked up an empty plate with the other. Jack excitedly pointed to the items he wanted. I laboriously placed the plate next to the food and then put the desired delicacies on top.

"Do you need my help?"

George's soft voice on the back of my neck made me wince. I smiled at him in thanks as he took the plate and waited for further instructions. Jack, however, was suddenly more interested in me and George than the food. He looked back and forth between us, grinning, and then pointed at George.

"Ist das dein Freund?" (Is that your friend?)

I laughed at the question while George just looked at me in confusion because he didn't understand our German words.

"Ja, der George ist mein Freund, ich hab ihn ganz doll lieb." (Yes, George is my boyfriend. I like him very much.)

Jack looked at us enthusiastically and George just pointed impatiently at the food, which the boy then turned back to. After choosing almost everything, George brought the plate to one of the free tables and we sat down, I next to Jack and across from George, who smiled lovingly at me. 

While Jack was enjoying the view, fascinated, and George was pointing out something in the distance, I cut up the food so Jack could eat it more easily. Having done so, I waited for Jack to finish and turn to the meal, meanwhile letting my eyes wander around the terrace. Most of the people stood in small groups and talked animatedly, there was no sign of Hamilton. 

Suddenly I noticed Toto and Susie, who just looked over at us and had to grin. They exchanged a meaningful look before turning back to the people in front of them. Jack had had enough of the view by now and turned to his plate of food. George and I exchanged an intimate look before turning back to the boy.

"Schmeckts?" (Does it taste good?)

With his mouth full, Jack nodded and beamed at me. George reached out and took a small piece of the food, causing Jack to look up in disgust.

"Das ist mein Essen." (This is my food.)

George looked at him confused and raised an eyebrow before his eyes fell on me, but I could only smile. Jack tapped my arm and I immediately looked back at him.

Lucky Charm | George RussellWhere stories live. Discover now