Chapter 7: Partying

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Hey everyone, I'm so sorry for long no update but I'm on vacation and don't have much time to write.

Cause of that I don't have a long chapter for y'all but at least it's something right?

The last thing I wanted to say, thank you so much for 14K reads! I didn't think this story would reach that much but I'm so happy about it, I hope you like this next chapter <3

It can't be him right? The boy I couldn't get out of my mind since the day we met. Is he the boy I met on vacation 15 years ago? Or is it just a coincidence?

He takes a look at his bracelet and immediately smiles. "Well I got it in my hometown a long time ago. And it's really special to me, I've never taken it off except for racing"

"Really?" I go and sit next to him on the bed, "why is it so special to you?"

"It's a little private but I guess I can tell you.. the story goes like this. It was summer vacation and one day I went to the park, I met a girl there and we became really great friends. I got her matching bracelets so we had something to remember each other but then someday she just disappeared without telling me anything, and till this day I still don't understand why" he looks down sadly.

Fuck. Did I really hurt him that much?

"Lando.. do you remember when I lost my bracelet yesterday in the pit lane?" I finally speak. "Yes I do. Is it really you?" He asks and looks me straight in the eye. He knows. "Yes. Yes I am" I give him a sad smile, I didn't have any time to say anything else as I get embraced by him. "Oh my god. When you lost your bracelet and I saw it I'd been thinking about it the whole day. But I have one question tho, why did you leave without saying anything?"

"Then why didn't you ask me about it? And I didn't want to leave without saying goodbye. The day I left you weren't at the park and I couldn't stay any longer as we needed to catch our flight. I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to hurt you" I look down feeling guilty. "I didn't knew how to ask you about it.." he admits. "And it's okay. You didn't mean to"

"How is it okay? You've been questioning it almost your whole life"

"Yes I have, and now I have an answer. I'm just happy to know that you wanted to say goodbye and that's enough. I'm also glad that we found each other again" he smiles.

The two of us talked for the rest of the evening and ordered some food. After that Lando went to his own hotel room again and I got ready to go to bed. In the morning Avery was already here when I woke up and a few hours later we flew back to Monaco.


It's been 2 months since the British Grand Prix, and a lot happened. I went to all Formula 2 races to watch Arthur race, and I've grown closer with the one and only Oliver Bearman. I've also gotten close with Lando and have been getting more contact with Oscar over time again.

The F1 grid, well at least most of them, are going to some club here in Italy and I've been asked to join them. Of course I said yes, but now I'm just struggling to find a good outfit. "Isabella come on, we're going to be late cause of you!" I heard Charles yell from the other side of the bathroom door. "Yeah yeah. I'm almost ready" I say as I take one last look in the mirror.

I walk out of the bathroom, only to find my two brothers and Oliver looking at me, mostly annoyed

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I walk out of the bathroom, only to find my two brothers and Oliver looking at me, mostly annoyed. "You really did that long over a dress?" Arthur asks in disbelief. "Arth you can say what you want but that's definitely her color" Oliver speaks as he grabs my hand and starts twirling me around. "Well thank you Ollie" I chuckle and give him a small smile. We arrive at the club shortly after the others, Charles went to talk to some of the drivers and I stayed with Arthur and Oliver.

After a few drinks I grabbed both Arthur's and Oliver's hand and pulled them towards the dance floor. "No way that I'm dancing" Arthur says looking around, "yeah neither am I" Oliver speaks as he pushes some random girl away from him. "Oh come on you guys. Have a little fun!" I start to dance. I can feel those drinks kicking in right now. Arthur went to the restrooms a little later and that's when I told Oliver one of my secrets, he's one of my best friends after all. "Ollie" I drunkenly start, "you've got to meet him, he's perfect"

"Who are you talking about?" He asks confused, "my boy Ollie, he's perfect" I smile. "Your boy?"

"Yes. My boy"

A few songs later Arthur came back but my feet started to hurt and Oliver was done dancing so we went to sit at the bar again. We ordered some more drinks and that's when I woke up in my hotel room. I could remember a few things here and there but it mostly became a blur.

ϟLando ϟ
When I arrive at the club I see that everyone else's cars are already there, of course I am the last one to arrive again. The second I step into the building my eyes focus on only one person. Isabella Adeline Leclerc. Yes she's my best friend, and yes I have feelings for her. I see her sitting at the bar drinking a Negroni, a typical Italian cocktail. Who I didn't expected to be there were the two people who she's sitting with, Arthur Leclerc and Oliver Bearman? What the hell are they doing here they don't even like to party.

After Isabella finishes her drink I see them standing up, Arthur goes to the restrooms while she and Oliver walk towards the dance floor. I can tell you she looks so pretty in that dress, well she always does.

I see them dancing together and having fun, I wish I was the one dancing with her. What's the deal with them anyway? I didn't even know they knew each other.

I'd been talking with Lewis and George when I see Isabella walk towards us. "Hey boys" she waves. "Hey Isabella, how are you we haven't spoken in a while" lewis speaks. "I'm great".

We talk for a while with the four of us and then she randomly asks me, "Lando want to dance?" Lewis and George were surprised, I was just happy that she asked me instead of one of them. "Yeah sure" I smile, she grabs my hand and leads me towards the dance floor.

After a few minutes Isabella mumbles something but I couldn't hear her cause of the loud music, "what did you say?" I ask her. "I could kiss you right now" she mumbles into my ear. "What?" I question, I must've heard it wrong. Right?

"Kiss me"

I Care ~ Lando NorrisOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant