Chapter 1

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Hello everyone<3 My name is James Solidarity-Void but I preferd to be called Jimmy. And I am 19 years old I never saw my real parents. Because Madame Carla said when i was 1 and a half month old they found ne in front of an orphanage door she was working there. She took me in, feed me and washed me basicly she take care of me when my own parents didn't. When i was 1 year old I said my first world 'mama' to one who take care of me

* " Oh my goodness tilly, Elizabeth did u Heard that he said his first word" " he said mama to u Madame Carla he sees u as his mother" tilly said. "Aww that was the cutest thing I've ever heard" Elizabeth said." PIX DID HEARD IT HE SAID HIS FIEST WORD" Grian shouted from behind Madame Carla. " Wait really!?" PIX said " shh boys pls be quiet your gonna make him cry"Madame Carla said as she get ne to her lap " sorry Madame Carla " * You might be wondering who are the others besides Madame Carla

let's start with tilly she was the oldest girl in the orphanage. She had a very good behavior, she was very sweet and caring. Whenever someone was hurt or had a headache she would always call Madame Carla but when she wasn't around she would try to do it even tho she didn't know anything she would do it pretty good.

Now to Elizabeth. Elizabeth or lizzie as she is comfortable with she is my real sister with grian because when i was 5 years old someone came and adopted 3 of us she is 3 years and grian is 2 years older than me Lizzie is very strong she would always hava a fight with the other boys to show them how strong she is and boys would accept it not taking her very serious and bamm they are laying on the floor lizzie taking the win. Besides her being a fighter she has a very beautiful Pink hair which she lets me do sometimes.

And now Grian as I said he is my older brother he is very smart and calm you can hardly get him angry but if you will get him mad he will chop of your neck. Despite that him being smart and calm he is a prankster when he is around his friends. He is very cheerful sometimes I think he loves his friends more than us.

Leaving Grian and moving on to Pix I don't know where he is now because when i was 3 someone came and adopted him. He was very intelligent for his age he was into history and archeology. Sometimes he would teach me something but I would forget it then remember it again. He was the one who teach me alphabet when i was 2 because he saw me very excited about it. He was more of a cousin than a brother to me. I wish i will see him again one day.

Now i live in my own Empire i call it the ' Tumble Town ' i think it is a pretty good for this place. It is very lonely here tho not much want to live in a mesa that is boiling hot in summer right? But still some of them choose here now even if there is not much people here. They replace this places lonliness with happiness.
We really get along with each other, spend time with everyone, always support each other and help each other.

We sometimes gather in the saloon and have a spend time there and every friday we have a sleepover and nobody can decline in even if did they will always came to the event quietly and cuddle with someone even it is past midnight.

We also have a few couples here and that are soo cute together this summer two of the couples are gonna get married.

One of the couple is my best friend Irene and Joan. Irene is wirking in the saloon as a barteneder. And joan is my secretary
The other couple is Kyle and Sally. Kyle helps me building he is very sweet and strong and Sally, they are working with Irene in the saloon.
Now you are asking me do you have a relationship with anybody currently? No and I am perfectly fine with it I don't need a partner.

Now if you will excuse me I have a meeting with the other rulers. I haven't met some of them. I only know two of the and they are Katherine and shubble i met them in high school and i could say shubble is a big simp of Katherine. I wonder how did she not notice her maybe she was too blind then i thought she would be.

( Hello mfs I am back and I am making a cliffanger here LoL. To others who read my ' who is the masked guy over there ' and ' empires Smp high school ' and waiting a New chapter dw there will be as soon as I am back to my own home bc i am at my mothers village and it is hardly internet here so keep your eyes on the way and vote for this story ( if you want ofc) I would be very pleased and it would make my motivation more better so I could get ideas for the next chapter also I am a high schooler now at 11th of september I will start high school and i am soo excited Bye for now and have good day/might )

The tears of an innocent boy - An Empires Smp S2 Story-Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ