Bicycle thief

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Luke, Mom, Dad, and I are riding our bikes in the middle of the street.

"Mom, Dad, look, I can ride without my hands," I say. "That's great, sweetie, but be careful," Mom warns me.

"That's awesome look, me too," Luke tells me, taking his hands off his bike.

He almost runs into me. "Hey!" I yell, "Be careful you almost made me fall!" I say, regaining balance. Luke apologizes to me.

We continue our ride when we see a lady jogging and calling Mom's name. "Hi Claire," the woman says, heading towards Mom.

"Hey. Oh, okay. Hi, um... this is my husband, Phil," Mom says, taking off her helmet. "And, uh, that's my son, Luke, and my daughter Linsley right there," She continues, pointing at Luke and I.

"Hi," Dad greets. I stop next to him. "Hello!" I speak.

"This is..." Mom hesitates. "Desiree," the woman finishes Mom's sentence. "Desiree. Right, sorry. Desiree just moved in down the block," Mom tells Dad.

They continue to talk while Luke, and I, ride our bikes. "Hey, let's race," Luke suggests. "The winner gets to have the other's dessert tonight," he continues.

"Sure," I agree. Luke starts counting, "Three, two, one- "Without finishing the countdown, he pedals. "Hey, that's cheating!" I yell.

Mom and Dad say goodbye to the new neighbor. "What's going on?" Mom asks, looking at me. "Luke's a cheater he started before the countdown was finished," I explain.

"You're just jealous because you lost," Luke replies. "No, I'm not," I say, annoyed. "Yes, you are, yes you are, yes you are," He sings, riding his bike in a circle around me.

"Shut up, little girl," I snap back. "LANGUAGE!" Mom yells. "Hey, I'm not a little girl," Luke whines. "Well, it's not my fault if you have a girly bike," I taunt back.

"Okay, that's enough, you two, cut it out if you don't want to be grounded" Mom asserts. Luke and I both sigh and apologize to one another.

We continue riding our bikes. Then Dad quickly stops as Luke almost rides into him. "Woah, watch it, buddy," Dad says, sounding surprised. "Grandma," Luke retorts with sass.

"I'm sorry, but Linsley's right, that still looks like a girl's bike," Dad comments. "Well, we'll add more black tape," Mom suggests.

Grandpa drives past us, comes to a stop, and playfully exclaims, "Hey! Nice bike, Sally!". I high-five him, "Good one, Grandpa!" I say with enthusiasm. Mom quickly interjects, "Dad..." She says in a warning tone.

"Come on, he looks like Little Bo Peep on that thing," he exclaims. "Actually, not for long. He's getting a new bike this afternoon," Dad assures.

"WHAT?" I protest, taken aback. "I am?" Luke says as Dad nods in agreement. "He is?" Mom asks, seeking confirmation.

After the bike ride

I put my bike in the garage and make my way to the living room, where I find Haley in tears, deeply moved by the movie she's watching.

"Are you seriously crying?" I deadpan, raising an eyebrow. "Well, yeah. It's not fair. She loved him," she says, her voice filled with emotion.

"Oh, wait. I think you've just been nominated for the best drama queen award," I smirk, leaning against the kitchen counter. Haley jumps, hastily wiping her tears. "Oh, real funny, Lins. Here to add to the show?"

I chuckle, sipping my glass of water. As Alex barges into the kitchen, a look of frustration etched on her face, she exclaims, "Linsley, I've been looking for you everywhere!"

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