Lord Aslan

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Something B.C over 300,000 years ago

As promised Deimos kept his word to Verlyn and continued to raise the young god as one of his own kith and by gods he had loved the boy as so and he made sure that boy knew it, ensuring that not once would he know the feeling of isolation or the sensation that loneliness provided. The boy grew stronger and stronger every day in his own image and prosperity. A mortal human with no known god abilities nor that they had seen or noticed anyway. He were named Aslan by the family. He was growing up with an innate sense of righteousness in addition to justice and awareness. The boy's first show of prominence when he saved his family from an attack from demons that plagued the lands raiding for three things; blood, dominion and death. He had only been 6 years old when the attack had taken place and it had been a true show of faith that he was ready to begin the trials of his destiny.
"Baba, I have finished hoeing and have fed the livestock as well as the mares" the boy alerted as he had competed his latest bout of chores, proudly he stood before his father wiping away the swest dripping from his brow. He was ever his father's pride and joy, the doting son. He adored his father and practiced his very best to make him proud despite jealousy from his elder brothers who would tease that Deimos overindulged in the boy, spoiling him with affection that it would only be design for his undoing. They decreed that he would be ruined. Saddening and disheartening to the boy's sensitivities, he was often hurt by the cruel jest of their words and the way they would team up and relentlessly tease or seek him to be victim most the time as if they were testing his meddle or the sad truth of that they had just hated him for crimes he had played no part in. "Pay them no attention boy, they did this to eachother when they had been your age maybe abit more so out of jealousy as the hard hearing fact was that I was away at war for the majority of their upbringing. If there has been anyone who has been overindulged it has been your brothers as I have spent many a year spoiling them in lieu and penance for my absence" his father comforted the boy as he had wallowed in his sorrows.

He looked up to his father with the sadness that lingered upon his eyes how fading into jovial manner as the two shared a familial moment playfully nudging onto eachother. "Your brothers love you, pay them no mind, my son." Deimos encouraged whilst taking a sip from his grog. Aslan sighed looking out to the veranda opening his mouth preparing to speak, he is interrupted by a blood curdling scream that his heightened ear senses told him came from his sister, he and his father rushed out following where the commotion was erupting. "Aslan, my xiphos!" Deimos commanded in a fierce roar as he saw demons attacking their home, tearing away at whatever they could within their reach.

The boy rushed into the barn searching for his father's sword, the famous prized possession 'geritos'. Pulling the xiphos from its sheath, he ran xiphos in one hand, broom in the other. He ran back towards the fight with all his might roaring with fury to protect his family. "Father! " he tosses the xiphos to his father's grasp. The demons were of daeva origin from what Aslan could tell from their appearance. Seeing one of their wretched ilk attempting to abduct his mother. He snapped the broomstick's head over his knee leaving a blunt long stake for a weapon. Fire bled through his veins coursing through in the place of his blood and a hunger for the blood upon his tongue salivated at his mouth. He charged for the demon, juggling his stake over his shoulder, he speared the demon through the chest with javelin throw. "Keep away from my mother!" He roared launching himself upon the mighty powerful being. Ripping its heart out with his hands. "Mata, go get to the barn. All of you, go!" His young voice commanded a celestial tone that his mother, sister and brothers all but obeyed to and rushed towards the barn as per instructions.

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