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13 days later

Verlyn took his role very serious in finding the young patron god a set of human parents that was worthy of raising the likes of the lord Balthazar. Scouring the earth desperately knowing that multiple lives were in risk if he made the mistake and chose the wrong people, his included. Already it had been three weeks and he were sure that the boy's still quite powerful scent lay on him risking a power trail of every where the god and the young lad travelled, it was in the second week where the god decided that he would travel by horseback and take a human disguise. As a god, when taking human form without powers, he were blind without sight. He had taken the form of an old blind begger, two feet smaller than his natural height with a grey shabby beard that actually made him look his true age. From the location the horses had ridden in using a small amount of his powers to guide to them to the worthy of the upcoming duty he had in mind. The cart pulled to a stop signifying they had now arrived in the destined destination. "It's all on you now young one, be the man greater than we could ever expect you to be." He spoke husly to the young babe he held firmly in his grasp.

"Mercy!... Mercy!.. Mercy on the lad, my son he is lost. Cursed with no suitable parents, the boy is motherless and in need of nursing, please I beg. Help me!" Verlyn played the act so well it didn't surprise him when his heightened senses immediately picked up the pitter patter sounds of heavily rushed feet pounding against the ground in haste. By what he had gathered in the arrangement and order of the sounds that their footsteps carried, this land was owned by a family of militants. The scent of them growing closer confirmed that they were a just group of individuals one that could be trusted with bringing up the most powerful and destructive being in the universe as we know it.

"Who goes there?" He pointed his crook waving it in a feral manner executing an excellent portrayal for his part. "I'm Deimos, this is my homestead, my family and I have heard your beckons and your words. In good fashion and a burdened heart, I cannot in good conscience leave you and the young babe alone to suffer for fear of what might respond to your calls with sinisterly nightmarish intentions. good man, please will you stay with us. We have food and water aplenty and good mead if that be your desire, my wife Irea has just prepared a beautiful meal of bread, honey, dried meats and dates as well as fresh wine produced from grapes grown in our land" the man stated. Using the horse's eyes with his powers to see the people stood here before him. He saw a strong burly man, tall and with eyes that told of pain and horror but now love and tender for the family stood besides him. A wife of fair beauty marred with early signs of age wearing upon her, two sons almost reaching maturity as well as a young daughter nearing womanhood, Verlyn could only assume she'd been 10 and 4 years of age. "Please Lord Deimos, be a friend and help an old man down from his horse and cart" he begged holding out his free hand awaiting the stranger's grasp. The moment their hands connected, the god's powers allowed him to see the life and times of Deimos. The man before him had been born a farmer from a righteous family of farmers, the boy had been brought up with strong values of right and wrong and obeying the laws enacted by the Kalosum (the pantheon of the light gods which included Verlyn, Cam and Rezar). From boyhood to adolescence, the boy, Deimos, the most maturest out of his brothers, he had helped his father maintain their lands and took his crippled father's place when military officers sought to draft him to the then upcoming war. For over 15 years the boy served in the army, rising through the ranks becoming the highest ranking officer whilst marrying his childhood sweetheart and birthing their three children raising a beautiful righteous family. Nearing his 20th year as an officer and in his 29th year of his life he chose to step into the life of retirement enjoying his family and replenishing the homestead he had worked hard to rebuild and expand upon his father's passing. In the past four years they have lived a peaceful jovial life of bliss. Helping the old man down gently with the babe in his arms. "Irea, please wife, grab a blanket for the child and our dear friend, sir..."

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