Heirs of The Dragon's Flame

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6 Years have passed since Bloom's birth. And the young princess always carried a smile on her face. Whenever her father and mother come home. The Princesses always went everywhere together, they were inseparable. In the morning the Princesses woke up bright and early. Young Bloom wore a blue dress. While her sister wore a long yellow dress. Daphne even showed her little sister how to activate her magic.

Young Bloom : Again, Daphne. Please show me again. I wanna get it right this time!

Daphne : (smiles) Okay. Did you read the magic books I gave you? Did you study them last night like I said?

Young Bloom : I did. But I fell asleep, and I think I missed something.

Daphne : (smiles) It's okay, Bloom. There's always a next time. First let's test your knowledge, to see how much you know! (Screams)

As Young Bloom was paying attention. She suddenly released a massive amount of energy from the Dragon. She was so confused of what happened. Although they were just now starting, her sister was proud of her.

Young Bloom : WHAT HAPPENED? Daphne are you okay, I'm sorry!

Daphne : (smiles) Don't apologize, Bloom. Your powers are just now starting to awaken! This is a good thing.

Young Bloom : (smiles happily) I can't wait to tell, Mother and Father.

Daphne : Why don't we train more first, before we surprise them!

Young Bloom : Right.

Maid : PRINCESS DAPHNE, PRINCESS BLOOM! Oh there you are! Your parents don't want you far from the castle. Please, allow me to escort you back.

Daphne : (smiles)

As the Princesses were escorted back to the castle. Bloom's powers suddenly started to go haywire. Queen Marion was surprised that bloom's magic started happening at this age. Because her magic erupted when she was in her teenage years.

Queen Marion : (gasps) BLOOM! How are you doing this? Daphne what happened when you two were out?

Daphne : They just activated, Mother. Bloom was studying and-

King Oritel : Studying? When did she start her studies? She's far too young for this sort of thing. She should've waited for another year until she was completely ready.

Queen Marion : Now Oritel, it will be alright. Her powers have just now started. It will take time, but we'll help her progress it. Calm down, Bloom. Let's take you to another location inside, we mustn't do this outside of the castle. Daphne I'll train you to, come along.

Daphne : (smiles) Yes, mother.

Queen Marion : Bloom, calm down.

Young Bloom : (breathes slowly)

Queen Marion : I'll help you and your sister with your magic. Firstly, how far have you two gotten so far?

Daphne : Well, first we've studied the books. Second, we're practicing on how to handle it.

Queen Marion : (smiles) Wonderful. I think it's best if you start with the basics. Bloom, why don't you show me what you've learnt so far?

Young Bloom : Well. I don't know what happened, Mother. I was just focusing on my energy and there was this explosion.

Queen Marion : Practice makes perfect, Bloom. Focus. Observe. And eventually your magic become will become immaculate.

Although it took the young princess a while. She eventually perfected her magical skills, it made everyone proud. In the castle before dinner, the Princesses were chasing each other in the halls.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 04, 2023 ⏰

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