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lunch came by and students rushed to the cafeteria and store to get food, [first name] stayed in class for a while to wait for the others to go while cracking her fingers.

"[first name], wanna go to the cafeteria together?" Mira appeared before her, a grumbling Zack following. "ah.." she was actually planning on going to the cafeterias with Daniel since he asked earlier, but it seems that he was already dragged away by Zoe.

[first name] nodded and stood up, taking the food that was packed for her by her neighbor and walked with Mira, Zack only staying behind them but was glaring at the new girl for interrupting his time with Mira.

"did you pack yourself food?" Mira asked "my neighbor did, i tried to refuse but couldn't win against her."

"aww.. that's actually kinda cute!!"
"now that i think about it, you're right, she even said yesterday that i'm already like a grandchild to her."

the two girls continued conversing happily, accidentally leaving Zack out of the convo.

Zack looked at Mira smiling happily, his eyes then slowly turned to [first name] who was slowly growing less awkward around the girl. his thoughts went to how she brought him to the infirmary without much struggle and when Mira had told him to thank [first name] for doing so.

though he wouldn't admit it, at first he slightly disliked her because of what she did, but after thinking about it more clearly, he felt thankful that she put an end to the embarrassment sooner than later.

"Zack, what are you thinking so deeply about?" Mira waved her hand in his face, he snapped out of his thoughts and saw a curious Mira and [first name] staring at him, Zack blushed and turned away.

the three of them went into the cafeteria that was already filled with students. "[first name], me and Zack will get our food first, there's a seay there you can sit there and wait for us." said girl nodded and went to the direction Mira had pointed to and sat down.

she opened the bag and looked insight, [first name] forgot to ask what was inside and to check when she got to school, so whatever was inside would be a mystery to her.

[first name] took out the lunchbox to see a small old school lunchbox, with some utensils tied together placed on top next to a small note.

shake well before eating, enjoy your meal!!

- grandma Pak

she smiled before opening it to study it's contents and did as the note said, to shake her lunchbox before eating. as she shook it, Mira and Zack came back and saw what she was doing, "oh! an old school lunch."

"gosh you look so ancient doing that." Zack laughed, "put more product on your head and it'll be your hair that'll turn ancient next." Mira giggled, turning her head away while trying to suppress her laugh the best she could.

seeing her laugh, Zack glared at the [hair color] girl who shrugged in return "you did it first." she justified while opening her lunchbox to see the ingredients had mixed together nicely, making [first name] slightly salivate at the sight and smell of it.

[first name] quickly dug in, some students saw them together and secretly took photos.

"isn't she a new student as well?"
"i heard she took Zack Lee to the infirmary yesterday, she's so nice!"
"earlier i saw her walking to school with Daniel Park, they looked so good next to each other!"

and before she knew it, she has garnered not only new fans, but also a new nickname, "she's the school fairy!"


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