4. Confusing thoughts

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~June 22nd - 12:04pm - Wrath ring~

Chaz had been staying with striker for around two and a half months now and had gone completely undetected by crimson and his mafia, he wasn't sure if it was due to him now having an assassin as a friend or that they just haven't found him or know where to locate him, he didn't even know if they had been down into the wrath ring yet. Anyways, he was safe and happy about that although, he had started to catch feelings for Striker, which even he didn't know how to feel about it even if striker would like him back in that kind of way.

"Hey strikes! You busy tonight?" Chaz asked, approaching striker who was sharpening his weapons.

"Hm? Oh no, no I'm not, why do you ask?" Striker asked, glancing over at Chaz before going back to doing whatever he was doing.

"Well...maybe you'd wanna do something tonight? Like go out or whatever" He suggested, hoping striker would say yes so they could spend some quality time together just having fun and drinking the night away.

"Eh, going out really isn't my thing but, what did you have in mind?" He asked, putting his weapons down and looking over at Chaz.

"Maybe...like a bar or something?" Chaz suggested, smiling a little as he fiddled with his hands a little.

He sighs. "Fine but, just this once" he agrees reluctantly, not really wanting to go out but, he knew Chaz would not stop going on about it until he agreed to they came to a compromise.

"Great! Wanna leave at like 8 then?" Chaz asked, a huge smiling spreading across his face, looking forward to a nice out with his crush.

"Sure, any time works best for me to be honest" Striker says as he shrugs his shoulders, soon walking off to do his own thing.

Soon enough 8pm came round quicker than expected and just as quite as it came, the hours passed and time seemed to fly by. Hour by hour and drink by drink the two seemed to get along better than ever before.

"Chaz! C'mon we need to get you home, you're drunk!" Striker chuckled, laughing as Chaz tried his best to attempt to walk in a straight line.

"I am NOT drunk!" Chaz said, stumbling over to Striker, grabbing onto his shoulder as a support for his balance.

"Oh yeah? Tell the time then" Striker said, folding his arms over his chest as he watched Chaz.

"Fine! I will!" Chaz said, looking to his sides as he looked for a clock, soon spotting one and pointing at it. "I am NOT fucking drunk!" He yelled at the clock, swaying side to side as he tried to re balance himself without strikers support.

Striker laughed at that, shaking his head at how stupid Chaz was but, funny at the same time. "C'mon big guy, lets get you home" He said, slipping his hand into chazs hand and holding it tight, leading him out of the bar and helping Chaz up onto bombproof, making sure he was balanced before he got up himself, preparing for the slowest ride back to his lair he'd ever have to take.

After what felt like a century, they finally got back without Chaz falling off or doing something stupid. Striker soon got down, pulling Chaz off of bombproof and leading him over to the bed, laying him down gently and pulling the covers over him.

"Sleep well, fish sticks~" striker said, giving Chaz a soft smile as he stared down at this seemingly sleepy shark.

"Nuh uh, c'mere cowboy!" Chaz said, suddenly perking up and grabbing striker, wrapping his arms tightly around him and pulling him into a tight hug.

"Woah!! Someone woke up fast!" He chuckled, not bothering to try and escape chazs tight grip around him, instead hugging him back.

"That's not all I can do sweetheart~" Chaz said, smirking as he leaned in and kissed striker passionately, feeling overly confident due to his drunken state. "I love you, Cowboy~" He says as he slowly pulled out of the kiss, laying on his side, taking striker with him.

Striker was in shock, he had no idea what to say, he was absolutely gobsmacked at what just happened between them in the past 30 seconds. He gave Chaz nothing but a blank stare, not knowing how to react or even what to say so, he just watched as this drunk shark doze off into a deep slumber.

"Don't forget~ I love you~" He muttered as he eyes fell heavy, tugging striker closer before falling asleep, keeping him locked in his grip so he couldn't move or even release himself from this tight cuddle.


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