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A sister, the heart and soul of her two brothers since their parents passed away, two brothers, who vow to protect their little girl from the evils of the world and provide her all the love and keep her safe from the egoist and harmful world outside.

The girl loves her brothers to the ends of the world and can do anything to see a smile on their face.

The mutual love and support of the siblings have held their little world from breaking their little world after the loss of their parents.

But life changes with time. There are going to be decisions which will find three of them on opposite sides of the road, will this break their bond?

This is Bandhan - The Unbreakable Bond.


This book is dedicated to my two brothers.
You'll know who after character sketches come, till then keep guessing...

Bandhan- An Unbreakable Bond Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant