The blonde fairy's ears perked up as he flew infront of Hyunjin's face. "Told him about what?" He asked, eyes staring intently into Hyunjin's golden one's.

The dragon nervously gulped, he slipped and he knew that Pixie wouldn't stop asking till he answers him. Honestly.

"I told him about my parents.." his eyes widened, shocked at what he heard. If Hyunjin had told Jisung about his parent, then that means he also told him about the black and white rings.

"But master, you never once told anyone about them but me, and that was decades ago!" He exclaimed, raising his voice a bit.

"I know! His expression and voice was so genuine and he wanted to know about it so I told him..." He tried explaining his side but the Pixie was not having his plain ass excuse.

The blonde stared at him, deadpan. He rolled his eyes and let out a sigh in defeat, the dragon was kind of a tsundere and no matter how much he try and let him admit 'stuff', he'll never get a proper answer. Because Hyunjin would either escape by teleporting to who knows where or zip the fairy's lips by his magic.

But he can't do anything right now but endure the fairy's nagging.

Finally, Pixie got tired of nagging because his master wouldn't say anything.

"You really aren't gonna say anything huh?" Once again, the dragon didn't say anything as he kept his eyes on the sleeping figure laying on his stomach.

Oh and by the way, if you're wondering why Hyunjin still hasn't woken up Jisung, is because he stopped time earlier when Pixie was busy talking and trying to convince him on telling the truth.

"Nevermind that, anyways. Are you gonna wake him up or not?" The fairy asked, and this time, Hyunjin finally said something.

"Mhm...maybe in a few more minutes." He said, his hands still caressing and playing with the boy's brunette hair.

Once again, Pixie let out a sigh for probably the 5th time this day. "Anyways, I'm gonna go do some important stuff. Just tell me when you need anything Master, and I'll be there faster than quick silver!" He stated, with a big smile on his face, the sun hitting his face making his whole little Fairy figure shine.

The dragon only hummed in response as the fairy flew away— not before leaving a kiss on Jisung's cheeks which made Hyunjin smile.

He was glad that Pixie likes Jisung.

It was now 7 am in the morning and Jisung was currently eating breakfast with his grandma.

After an hour later after Pixie had left, Hyunjin finally woke the brunette up— not forgetting to start time again.

When Jisung woke up from his '5 minutes nap' he stayed in bed for a few more minutes to stay and cuddle with the dragon, but of course, he couldn't stay in that painfully comfortable position forever.

So with the help of Hyunjin, he finally got up and took a shower. Once he was done he then did his morning routine by applying some skincare, lotion and finally, some comfortable clothes for school. (Hyunjin picked his outfit btw)

"Jisung-ah I prepared your lunchbox and snacks for later, and I also packed some extras for your friends." His grandma stated as she sipped his hot green tea.

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