Love makes you weak or does it?.

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As T got finally back to phil's she took Luna back to the stables as she put her back next to Karl slowly shutting the gate making sure not to make a noise. As she slowly walked up the stairs as she finally made it to the door she slowly twisted the door handle as she opened the door slowly making her way back inside as she shut the door as quietly as possible slowly about to make her way to her room "so where were you?" Techno said, spinning to face her his arms crossed, legs folded in the chair "I was um with Tommy yeah with Tommy!" she said holding her hand against her neck firmly "T your a horrible liar you know this right?" as she let out a sigh as she looked up to him "i'm sorry was just you know trying to get along with XD and i just didn't want anyone knowing cause i-i feel like everyone knew i would be seen as weak." she said looking to the ground as she teased up "your scared cause you think others would think your weak cause your in love with god?!" "I'm not in love with him i just well-" "yooo My niece is in love Phil get your butt out here now!" "Yes, Techno mate, what is it?" "T's in love with god!" "No, no Phil he's wrong don't listen to him i was only talking with him!" Phil sat her down onto the couch as he joined in. "Mate it's ok to love someone what isn't ok, is hiding it and pretending, look the wedding is in 3 weeks you have time to get to know him more." "yeah i guess but Im worried if he finds out how i truly am he may hate me." she replied as tears slowly fell down her face looking down to her hands which were firmly placed on her lap. "T mate, listen your perfect, perfectly imperfect ok don't hide who you are even if people hate you so be it embrace who you are show them that your more than some girl so them the warrior you truly are!" Phil said as he comforted her. "Now go on, go find him!" Phil said, patting her back standing up "right." she replied as she went to leave.

*in DreamXD world*

"No war, you're not doing this again!" "come Kristin you can't actually be thinking to bring that up with him." war said as she rolled her eyes at Kristin "um am i interrupting something?" T asked as she stood there looking at the two goddesses as they were arguing "T what are you doing here?" Kristin said looking at her with a confused look "I need to speak with DreamXD if that's ok?" "XD get down here now!" Kristin yelled looking back at T smiling "what is it now Kristin?" XD said in a tired tone "you have someone who wants to talk with you." Kristin said smirking as she pushed T slightly in front of her "T is everything ok?" "yeah i wanted to talk to you um in private if that's ok?" T requested "of course everyone out head back you what you were doing!" XD said as War and Kristin left the area "so what is it you wish to talk about?" "um so well ok if i do this you promise not to be mad?" "Of course." as T took a slow breath she walked up to DreamXD as he took off his mask looking down to her as she wrapped her arms around his neck kissing him very sudden he was shocked but didn't pull away as she slowly pulled away from the kiss she looked into his eyes as she smiled at him. "And may i ask why you did that, thought you were not interested?" "yes but times change a little." she replied smiling letting out a tiny giggle "well then I'll see you later then..My dear." XD said as he created a door leading back to Phil and Techno's "yeah see you later." she said as she left heading through the door. "You truly do care about that brat don't you XD?" Famine said with his arms crossed looking at XD ''Famine that's enough!" "honestly i didn't see what makes her so different from all the other women you've had to marry?" Famine said in a sarcastic tone rolling his eyes ''Famine enough! Fine, fine. just know XD T's only using you trust me I've seen it." Famine said as he left.

Arranged to be together from the start. (DreamXD X OC)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant