First date changes something on the inside.

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*the next day*

Tayla:Pov: As the sun shined through my windows I let out a slight groan as I opened my eyes, getting up as I went up to my desk sitting down as I started to brush my hair. "Why do I feel this way?, It's just a way to get to know him more. I shouldn't feel this way." I said as I got up heading to my closet putting on my dress as I tightened my corset as I tied it back grabbing my hardcore necklace from my desk putting it on. "Gotta go, I'll see you later Phil!" "mate where are you going?" Phil shouted confusedly, "business I'll see you soon!" I shouted leaving out the door.

DreamXD:Pov: "So that's all I need to do, Foolish?" "yes just make sure to be nice and chill don't pressure her or she will never trust you." "Right then ill be on my way then." said DreamXD as he flew off.

As DreamXD arrived at the field he looked around as he saw Tayla Seeming something together "i feel you eyes on me you can come over." she said as she didn't even look up from what she was doing. "Right of course." he replied as he made his way to where she was sitting under the tree amongst the flowers and bright green grass as silence entered the area, only noises heard being the birds and other little creatures in the field. "So what are you making?" DreamXD asked, looking at her as she continued to work on what she was doing, "I'm making a flower crown." she replied softly as she continued her work "a flower crown?" XD replied back slightly confused "yeah." she said looking up slightly smiling at him "I'm sorry but I'm afraid i don't know what that is." XD replied, still confused but slightly interested by the creation she was making as she let out a chuckle stopping for a moment is something funny. DreamXD asked her "you don't actually know what im doing at all do you?" she asked looking at him smiling "o-of course i do." He replied trying to hide the clear embarrassment by the call out "DreamXD honey don't lie you got nothing to gain." she said, smirking as she put her hand over his own. "Say how about I teach you and then you show me something?" she suggested looking at him with a soft smile "very well then." he said agreeing to the somewhat deal she suggested.

As they did this they continued this till it was finally time to swap "so what will god himself teach me hm?" Tayla said sarcastically as she looked at him smiling smugly at him "well you could say this is more a thing to do in my spare time but interpret it however you wish." XD said as he pulled out a book from behind him "hm?" "It's well a book of Quotes and poems I like to read." he said as he handed her the book to take a look. As she opened the book she looked though slowly as she noticed a particular poem she recognized "where did you find this poem?" she asked pointing to the one on the 12th page on the right "oh Kristin gave it to me i don't recall why though." "oh ok i see." "Why do you ask you know it?" "yeah i wrote that when i was 16." "you write poetry?" XD asked tilting his head slightly "yeah a little i kinda only used to for my Dad though." "I see well, could you maybe read the one you wrote?" he insisted looking at her as her eyes widened slightly "um sure." as she looked through the book she started to read one of the poems.

As she finished she looked up to him as she smiled nervously about how she did as he stood there for a slight moment while silence entered around "um DreamXD?" "That was amazing. You should be quite proud of having such a gift." "you liked it?" she said looking up to him "i very much enjoyed it." "well um thanks I guess." she replied as she handed the book back to him. As a cold brize started to come in making T slightly shiver by the sudden change as DreamXD walked over to her and slowly pulled her into to him resting her against him his wing covering her from the cold as Tayla was about to move something in her mind said for her to stay so she did as she laid there she got lost in the moment as she got lost in her thoughts. "Are you okay?, not as cold?" XD asked, opening his wings slightly to see if she was okay, "hm?, yeah just thinking." she replied as she continued to get lost in her own thoughts ''you know i'm shocked you haven't tried to hit me or anything starting to trust me?" XD said smirking slightly under his mask "no just im not fighting back is all." Tayla said pouting slight as she crossed her arms as XD moved her hair from her face taking his mask off as she looked at him eyes an emerald green so bright and charming as she smiled to him she was thinking how could someone like him love or even care for her she was a mess,a loser,a hater,a user as they both stood up she looked up to the sky as she got ready to leave "well I'll see you again soon XD-" as she was suddenly cut off by a quick kiss as DreamXD walked away she looked dazed and confused but didn't say anything as she got back onto luna riding back to Phils.

Arranged to be together from the start. (DreamXD X OC)Where stories live. Discover now