May Be A Burden

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TRIGGERS: Pet Death, Being Outed? Strong desires in a non sexual way. Mentions of hanging (NOT SUICIDE)

I woke up, catching my breath. I looked down at my hands and then around the room. My mouth was wide open as I breathed in. I could feel my fangs against the air before tightly shutting my mouth. I looked through the window. The sun was still up. I sighed to myself. "Oh, thank god," I let my muscles loosen as I leaned back. Basil was standing at the doorway. I let out a high-pitched meow. Basil stopped staring and shook his head.

"Did you just... meow," he asked, confused. Oh crap. Oh crap. I can do that. I let a smaller meow before cupping my mouth with my hands quickly. I felt myself heat up. Am I embarrassed or panicking? What if he knows? What if he saw my fangs? I took a deep breath and awkwardly moved my hands off my mouth. I set my hands behind me. I tilted my head down where he couldn't see my teeth and spoke.

"I do that sometimes, yeah," I mumbled quietly. Basil took a deep breath and smiled awkwardly. He saw. There's no way he didn't! What is he going to say next? Is he just going to say nothing? He knows I'm a danger if I sleep next to him now. He's going to tell the church. The town is going to hang me. Wouldn't that be funny? Two siblings, Mari and I, hung off a tree. Both of which would be my fault. I'd be the bad guy. The Sweetheart in the story. My breathing became heavy. My vision began to blur. My fingers began to do into my skin. I could barely hear the footsteps running at me with how heavily I was breathing.

"Uh... Sunshine, are you... okay," Basil asked. I shook my head. Did Basil... not know? I guess he did see me wake up like I had a bad dream and meow.

"So, you didn't see it," I quietly said, feeling partially relieved. He looked at me with a confused expression. He didn't see. He didn't see! I began to laugh out of relief.

"Sunny, what's up with the fangs," He said. He seemed to realise as I was laughing that I had them. Oh shit. I began to breathe heavily again. Basil put his hand on my back. Was he trying to comfort me? I felt weird inside. Why? Why would a human comfort something as strange as I? I had to give him a believable answer. There isn't one. What reasonable thing was there to say? The only thing that made sense was the truth. The problem with the truth is there isn't anything reasonable in it. There is a reason vampires are hunted. We lust for one of the things that keep us and humans alive. Vampires can drink their own blood but we get addicted to it. It isn't healthy for us anyways. Human blood is also addictive, but we lust for it. Also, it is healthy. There is that too. Human blood is the closest to vampiric blood, but not the same. When vampires bite a human victim, venom is injected through their fangs into the human bloodstream. It attacks the cells inside and changes the DNA. Then, the victim's body begins to change. You become more prone to sunburn. Your eyes start to have a set pupil size, not closing in light. It's almost painful to be outside during the day without protection from the sun. Within a few weeks, the world seems to be trying to blind you because you got attacked. Your ears morph into triangles. It makes you look like an elf. I keep my hair a bit longer for this reason. One fang will push two teeth out at the same time. You start to lose your sense of species because everyone around you is different. You can't tell anyone unless you want to be burned alive. Oh, and that lust you feel is Lust. You have an urge you can't stop. A feeling you can barely control, begging for you to stick your teeth into a human's neck.

In other words, I'm scared shitless. I've been confronted with the harsh reality I've been hiding from. Why did I think I could avoid this? I took a deep breath and looked at Basil. I opened my mouth. Nothing would come out. He looked at my open mouth carefully and then into my eyes. I froze for a second. I knew he understood. No normal person with weird teeth would react so terribly. Instead of leaving to tell somebody, he took a deep breath himself.

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