Valentine's Day Sucks

Start from the beginning

After viewing a few we finally decided on one, it was a nice place. Four bedrooms and two bathrooms, but with one of the bedrooms being downstairs Randy had the idea to turn it into a gym instead.

At first I was alittle hesitant because we didn't really need an extra bedroom, but Randy had the idea to turn the leftover bedroom into a guest room.

Not a bad idea if I do say so myself.

"That's fantastic! When do you guys move in?", Trish asked.

"After the baby's room has been decorated, Randy didn't want me there because of the smell of paint. He said something about chemicals and whatever, you know how he is these days.", I shrugged.

"Protective Randy is protective.", Trish nodded, both of us laughing. "So you just currently at his parents house?"

"For the moment, yes. I feel bad about it as I don't wanna be invasive and stuff."

"I doubt they mind, from what I've heard they love you. Plus, you're birthing their first grandchild so they have to be nice."

"I guess.", I shrugged. "By the way, have you spoke to Amy recently?", I questioned.

Trish nodded, "Yeah, she had her knee surgery the other week, she's recovering well. Sucks that she's not here at the moment, I miss our girly hangouts before the show."

"Same, I miss her bringing me food.", I pouted before laughing.

"Trust you.", she laughed, rolling her eyes playfully. "Oh, I wonder when Randy's match with Christian is."


Wait, what.

I stared at her, confused. "What did you say?", I asked.

Trish looked at me, noticing my expression. "Wait, you didn't..? Oh.", her eyes went slightly wide. "I thought he would have said..", she spoke, stumbling on her words.

I shook my head in reply.

Trish instantly shrunk even further into her seat, looking away from me.

"What happened?"

"Who said something happened?", Trish laughed uncomfortably. I just stared at her, to which she eventually sighed and gave in. "Whilst we were over in Japan, there was a minor incident between the two.", she muttered.

Are you kidding me.

"Christian started saying some stuff bringing you up into it, so Randy punched him. Then Christian went to creative and asked for an angle with Randy, hence their little thing going on.", she finished.

I don't know which one I want to punch more, Christian or Randy.

Partly Christian because he's such an asshole and just should leave it be, but nope he just had to get a rise out of Randy somehow. And Randy because he was stupid enough to fall for it.

Maybe I should just bash both of their heads together, ugh.

"I can't be watching that, because I know that I'll end up throwing a fit.", I slumped into seat as far as my bump would allow me.

"Yeah, probably best if you don't. I don't want you going into an early labour. Just let them hash it out in a controlled environment. What's the worst that could happen?"

Let's not think about that, shall we.

"Why do men come with so many problems?", I groaned.

"I don't know, Trish shrugged. "But I must say, Randy has a killer right hook. He decked Christian pretty good."

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