Welcome Home, Sam

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***Knowhere, Space***

It had taken some time and some doing, but they had finally done it.

After the Battle For Earth, the Guardians of the Galaxy team had decided that it was time they had a proper place to call home. Mind you, they weren't retiring. But a proper base of operations was needed. A place they could relax and regroup in between missions.

And now, they had it. Knowhere. It was a place they visited on a regular basis and were pretty familiar with. Perfect, right?

And now, after many months and weeks of remodeling, decluttering, and sprucing up the giant Celestial head, they were finally in the final stages. All that was left was some painting and cleaning here and there. And the day had been full of it.

"Whooo! What a day," the furry Guardian, Rocket said as he walked into the cantina and stretched.

"You didn't lift as much as I did," Cosmo the Space Dog stated, almost boastfully.

"Oh, please! You can lift stuff with the blink of an eye. That's basically cheating."

"Guys, guys! Come on, it's not a competition," Sam Alexander, the youngest of their team cut in, trying to keep them calm. "But, if it was, I'd be the winner! Haha!"

At that Rocket rolled his eyes before opening a fridge and taking out a berry milk and tossing it to Sam and taking out another for himself.

"Easy there, kid. You keep getting cocky, your head's not gonna be able to fit inside that helmet." Rocket warned, but still smiling as he took a slurp from his drink.

Sam laughed at that before taking a slurp of his own.

They walked out of the cantina and walked through the town of Knowhere, people waving at them or wishing them a good evening as they passed them. A stretch of walking later found them on the roof of one of the buildings where the rest of the Guardians team was already seated, relaxing from the day's work.

"Hey, guys." Peter Quill, leader of the Guardians welcomed them.

"I am Groot!" Groot said too.

"Heyo!" Sam replied, taking a seat by Kraglin.

In the background, a light calming song -- one Space Song by Beaches -- played as they sat.

An hour or so had gone by, more conversation was exchanged, as were some laughs, and sometimes, they just sat in silence and watched the people below.

This went on a little longer before Kraglin yawned and stretched. "Well, I reckon it's time to hit the rack." He said, giving a small scratch to his belly.

Sam nodded in agreement. "Yeah, I should be heading home."

At that, Peter spoke up. "Hang on, Sam. You don't have anything major to do tomorrow, do you?"

The young Terran thought for a moment before shaking his head. "Nope. Just checking in with my mom and little sister, then I'll be back up here with you guys. Why?"

"We got something to show you, kid," Rocket replied.

"What is it?"

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