chapter 11/who is this rabbit boy?

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Wally POV

"Barnaby! " I hear a cheerful bubbly voice call out.

'I knew instantly that it was Julie but what surprised me more was the new face among my friends, Home didn't tell me that someone new was going to arrive, they always tell me everything!' I say in my thoughts.

Julie POV

"Barnaby Barnaby! Come one we have someone for you to meet he's new in the nei-" I say cut off by looking at the person next to my friend, it was Wally, we made eye contact but I immediately looked away from he's gaze, shit!' I thought to myself.

"Hello there Julie, oh and who's this? "

"Yes Julie who is this?" Wally says with one of his curious smiles.

"Oh.. Umm... Hi Wally, didn't see ya there pal. " Julie with a hint of nervousness in her tone.

"So..julie who is he? , is he a new neighbor?" Barnaby asks tilting his head a bit to the side.

"Yes hes a new neighbor I found him just outside in the meadow close by" Poppy answer for the nervous girl.

"Well hello there new neighbor my names Barnaby B Beagle it's a pleasure to meet you!" Barnaby says with excitement while wagging his tail.

"H.. Hi my name is M/n L/n it's a pleasure to meet you too" I say a bit nervous.

"Well it's a pleasure meeting you M/n my name is Wally Darling" Wally says looking at the said rabbit while examining him from top to bottom.

Narrator POV

The day was rather weird M/n could tell the nervousness that the girls had while talking to wally, he didn't know why they would be so nervous around him, Wally seemed friendly and harmless (do you want Wally taller like 5ft or his original height being 3ft tall comment it so I know what you would prefer) as the day past he and Poppy went back to her house obviously say good night to their fellow neighbors, M/n thinks that he will love it in this lovely neighborhood but of course he still didn't forget about silver fox friend and the others back at the lab, while he's here he will be thinking about an escape plan for the others that's what he promised to himself and to Tasha.

Meanwhile with a certain blue haired male... He was speaking with he's home about the new neighbor.

"Home why didn't you tell me there was someone new coming to the neighborhood? " the bluenette said.

(up to this point I don't care if it's even a word or not I just needed to describe him without saying his height because I need to know if y'all want him to be 5ft tall or smth)

"Creak... Thud...creak" was all that could be heard from the sentient house.

"Alright I understamd, goodnight home" the male said towards he's home.

"I am asleep, I am asleep, I am asleep, I am asleep" this frase was repeatedly heard from the sentient house, of course only they could hear it, for as the other neighbors were already sound asleep in their own homes.

To be continued...

A/n:hi guys hehe it's been a while, I'm sorry please forgive me for not updating but I am trying I promise anyways have this for now I'll update tomorrow also like I asked earlier do you want Wally to be 5ft tall or just his normal height 3ft tall? Also if you guys want I'll be making an Q n A for a special chapter if we get to 20 chapters but anyways leave you're questions here and when we get to the 20th chapter I'll make a Q n A you can ask the characters anything (also me) but please keep the questions safe nothing inappropriate, that's all for today thanks for reading, bye loves👋.


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