Chapter 8

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"What did you say Gun..Did I heard it wrong"

"Ai'Por,I will repeat it to you again We need one of us win the mathematics assessment contests".Gun said to win who have unbelievable expression

"Who will be our representative huh.. It's okay if the contest about Sports,Art and best in actor..We have Yo,Phat and Sound..All of us weakness is math subject".Por said complaining

"What should we do hah..No one can help us now let's disband already ".Phat said

"Ai'Shia Phat..You keep saying that when Gun announced about mathematical assessment contests..Can you say something encouraging word hah.. ".Win said scolding Phat

"Aww what should I do....The principal always keep targeting our club..".Phat said  beckoning Win

"Okay..okay stop bickering.. I'm the one who will join the contest".

"Ai'Gun... It's not I'm being Narcissistic here..But You??..All of us know you're the worst in mathematics". Sound said crossing his arms

"Ai'Sound can you at least warn me if you will say that...But I can study it.. Just like you said I'm the band leader so I take the responsibility".Gun didn't know whether to laugh or cry what sound say about Gun being worse in math

All his member look at him in disbelief at the same time a worried face.


"Arghhhh..I only see this Mathematical formula but I'm already so dizzy".Gun said complaining outside sitting in the solo table

Gun starting studying since yesterday  when he said to his friends he will take responsibility he avoiding his noisy friends who keep teasing him about his decision to suffer

"It's only one month till the contest happened..ARGHH I'm so frustrated here."

"What are you doing"

"Ai'Shia...Ai'Tin why you keep shocking me hah.."Gun said pouting to Tinn

"Ohh.. Sorry..So what your problem hah.. I'm still faraway but I can hear your voice already".Tinn said sitting beside Gun

The solo table have short chair so when Tinn sit beside gun their body stick together because of small space

When Gun look at Tinn the space of their face are so close that they can hear each other breath.


Gun heartbeat abruptly getting fast


"Ahhh..Ehem...My problem is about the mathematics assessment contest".
Gun said coughing awkwardly his heartbeat that become fast earlier he forget it to avoid him getting shy at tinn

"Ah..about that".Tinn said

"Yeah..I'm trying to study it but I'm not good at self learning-"

"I can help you.."

"Huhh?"Gun asked confused

"I said I can hel-"

"He can help you"

"Tiww??.. What're you doing here?"Tinn ask shocked by tiww suddenly appearance behind his back

"Nothing..I'm just minding other business..By the way Gun,Tinn can help you..In our american school he's the one who have highest grade in mathematics uhmm I changed my words he's the highest in every subject grade exactly."Tiww said like a proud parents

"Ohhh..okay..So Tinn can you help me".Gun asked looking at Tinn

"I can.."Tinn suddenly got shy and standing up beside tiww because how gun look at him with puppy eyes

"Don't hesitate Mr.President..I know you have interest to this Gun kid..I can be Mr.Cupid for you if you want".Tiww said whispering to Tinn ear

"Who said I'm hesitating huh".Tinn said whispering back to tiww

"Don't be shy...My toxic trait of being noisy suddenly awaken when I see you give many expression to gun while me you only give a poker face hah..I feel betrayed and hurt at the same time you know...So don't stop me for helping you because I want to be noisy".Tiww said whispering again to tinn

"You really-"

"Hey guy's,Why are you whispering to each other".Gun asked confused when he can't hear what the two talking

"It's nothing Gun..I talk to you later...Let's go Tiww".Tinn said pulling tiw in his collar

"Oiii Tinn can you be gentle hah"Tiww complained while being dragged by tinn

"Ahh okay"Gun said scratching his head awkwardly for being confused to the two friends


For now let's give some lovely-Dovey and rest our couple Because in the future chapters we can't let them rest anymore hahhahahic..

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