When I get there all my coworkers are reunited in a semicircle chatting and relaxing, they look much better and calmer.

It seems that the tension has gone.

-(Y/N)! - Anna looks at me with a big smile. - Where have you been?! Come sit with us!

I sit beside her and she caresses my back.

-You did a great job, we're finally done. -she whispers to me assuming, I suppose, that I'm emotional because of the overload of work, like last time she saw me like this.

-Yes...you too. - I just say.

-We were talking about what we'll do after this. - Says Anna.

-Yes, Blanca said that she wants to record a new album, for example. - responds our coordinator.

Blanca nods.

-That 's huge! - Says Anna. - My only plan is to sleep for at least two weeks straight. And then will see what happens...

-And you, (Y/N) ? - asks Blanca.

-I don't know, maybe travel to some country... And go see my mother, that's for sure.

-What country would you like to visit? - asks Anna.

-Some southern country ? Or a nordic one? - asks Blanca

She smiles at me, I do the same. And the question remains unanswered because someone else starts to talk.


I look at my phone thinking about texting Jere, but I think that it's best to wait.

So I keep talking with them a bit more, enjoying the last moments all together.

We laugh and get emotional at remembering some anecdotes.

That one occasion where the vocal coach tried to flirt with a Londonense and they spilled their drink on his head.

When a seagull tried to steal the breakfast of our stylist, and it won.

The story of the kiss proof make up.

The party in Madrid where Anna abandoned me...

-Oh, oh! and and... - Anna couldn't hold the laugh. - The day that Blanca almost fell from the stage in the practices.

-That's not fair, they moved the floor! They moved it!- Shouts Blanca.

-How can they do that?! - replies Anna. - You just forgot where you had to stand!

We break into laughs, Blanca doesn't try to negate it anymore and laughs with us.

Anna was crying with laughter with her hands on her stomach.

The laughs little by little begin to stop and I am the last one to realize it. I stop, looking at them strangely.

-Wha.. - I start to say.

Everyone looks at the door and I slowly move my head to that direction.

-Hi. - says the black haired man standing there with a timid smile and sad eyes.

He's already dressed to go out. He wears a hoodie, pants, boots and a backpack on his shoulders, all in black. The green of his nails stands out.

-Jere! - Shouts Anna.

I stand up and we look at each other holding our breath.

At that moment all the people in the room start to talk to him, congratulating him, asking questions and giving hugs.

IT'S NOT GOODBYE - Käärijä x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now