Chapter six

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In the wide world, we are small,
holding onto each other


Third Person POV

A week later


"Yeah?" Yeonjun stopped in front of the staircase, turning to look at his best friend who was fidgeting with his fingers.

"Is it okay to meet Jungkook hyung when Taetae hyung told you not to?" He asked, uncertainly. It had been a few days since Yeonjun's been meeting up with Jungkook, despite Taehyung being against it.

"It's not like I'm doing something wrong."

"Yes, but it's not like you to repel like this."

"You mean rebel?" Yeonjun snickered, slinging an arm around Soobin who was a few inches shorter than him. The boy nodded, a pout forming on his face.

"I'll talk to hyung today. I really really like Jungkook hyung and I think I'll make both of them meet."

"But why?"

A bright grin appeared on Yeonjun's face, gleaming a happy aura, "You'll see."

Soobin nodded, unsure of the uneasy feeling. Both of them climbed up the stairs, chatting about football.

"See you later?"

"Can we stay together for a little while longer?" Soobin asked with expectant eyes, never letting go of Yeonjun's hand. The elder smiled, nodding. He wouldn't voice out how his heart skipped a beat. 

The two decided to stand next to the hallway railing, looking down on the people walking by, children playing in the park they were playing a while ago.

"It's my turn to hosting a sleepover."

"I'll ask Taetae hyung and then let you know," Yeonjun said, looking at the sun setting, the sky having beautiful colors of pink, orange, and purple.

"Pretty . . ." Soobin mumbled, unable to look away from Yeonjun who was glowing.

"Hmm?" Yeonjun looked at Soobin, smiling.


"Are you sure?" Yeonjun stepped closer, causing Soobin to nod, not knowing why he felt ticklish when Yeonjun wasn't even touching him.


"You're so cute." Yeonjun giggled, squishing Soobin's cheeks. His tender eyes gazed at his best friend for a while.

"I- should go now . . . "

"Rest well, okay? You seemed down at school today and even playing before."


Taehyung dragged himself out of the study room, reaching the couch without falling in the way. He slumped on it, heaving a drained sigh. His disheveled hair and dark eyes made him look like a stressed panda.

Bimonthly deadlines always sucked the energy out of him. He closed his eyes, sensing Yeonjun tiptoeing towards him from behind. After some moments, tiny hands were massaging his temples.

"I'm okay, baby." Taehyung smiled at the younger one, shifting positions to pick up Yeonjun. He cuddled his brother, both basking in each other's warmth.

"Take it easy, hyung," Yeonjun whispered, placing soft kisses on Taehyung's face. He ran a hand through the blonde locks, giving the writer immense comfort.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 01, 2023 ⏰

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