Lets begin the plan

Comenzar desde el principio

Ventus groan in pain before fading into uncoindenes with his blue eyes now bulled.

The helemet boy floated gentely onto the ground as Xehanort smirked while Ebony took some imtrested of Ventus darkness in form.

Xehanort: Empty creature from Ventus revin, to you.
The name Vanitas shall be fitting.

Vanitas: Yes master.

Vanitas then looks at Ebony before then dowing down surpriseing the girl and the old man.

Vanitas: Your grace.

Xehanort and Ebony then looked at each other.

Timeskip four years later.

Ebony is now sixteen years old.

Xehanort have trained Vanitas and Ebony for four years.

Ebony was impress with the Ventus darkness, Vanitas does better at training and seem to do better then the blond boy.

Ventus was dropped off to Eraqus so Xehanort could forces on training Ebony amd Vanitas.

Xehanort let Vanitas soon know that as soon he and Ventus are both strong in equalnes of both light and darkness, they rejoim to forge the x blade.

Vanitas is willing to do this because Ebony wanted the keyblade to.

Vanitas can't deny his princess the most powerful keyblade, she desive that weapon.

This makes both Xehanort and Ebony happy, its an extra ensurenes that Vanitas is willing to do as they say even though he doing it for Ebony.

Ebony soon learned that she is able to summon The Unversed after Vanitas was created, she aleast know she can control them.

Though the unversed also obay Vanitas as well.

Then over the four years Ebony learned that she can feed on other people negative emoitions and darknesses.

She even found that she have the simliar abilty of the siren from mlp to make others fight and soon under her control.

She was able to transform and summon her siren heartless which prove to be useful at spying, causing choas or collecting energy.

Soon Vanitas and Ebony grew stronger.

But now it the time to start the plan.

Xehanort took Ebony and Vanitas to the land of departure.

Vanitas and Ebony hidden themself on the bottem level floor where no one would notice them.

Ebony had her siren heartless sneakly hidding behind in shadow form where Xehanort is sitting, making easier for Ebony to watch.

Xehanort allowed it seeing that heartless could be useful to feed on any darkness and negative emotions that may present itself during the exam.

Eraqus stood infront of his students looking both at Aqua and Terra both before speaking to them.

Eraqus: Today you will be examined for the mark of Mastery.
Not one bjt two of the keyblade's chosen stand here as candidates.

Vantias hold his laugh in as Ebony mouth and use her  hand to mouth As Eraqus was talking.

Ebony found it a bit boring.

Eraqus: But this is neither a competition nor a battle for supremcy.
Not a test of wills but a test of heart.

Ebony rolled her eyes when Eraqus said that last part.

Eraqus: Both of you may prevail or neither but I'm sure our guest master Xehanort did not travel all this way, to see our youngest prospect in years to fall short in the mark.

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