Leave Me Alone

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Ben was breathing heavily Ging stood to the side and gave her father an insincere pat on the chest to calm him down.

Dad, calm down don't get angry with him. Now that he's back it won't be easy for you to kick him out. beside the child is innocent and he's your grandson. She purposely emphasized the word grandson because she knew this would make Ben even angrier Perth watched the chaotic reunion of the Saengtham family. He stared at the black-eyed child hiding behind Pete's back, and suddenly remember the man who had appeared beside him yesterday he clinched his fifth, as the coldness in his heart grow, his emotions seemed to be on the verge of overflowing after all, he and Pete had been together for several years, and although their relationship ended, because of what had happened, he still couldn't help the fact that he had held a place in his heart. Pete was expressionless as he looked at his family. The bitterness in his chest bubbled up. But he had thought his father might react like this, but when he saw it in person, he couldn't help but feel pain. No one knew what it had been like for him to be exiled abroad he had been so poor before Venice was born that sometimes he had no money to eat and nowhere to sleep. He had eaten only one meal a day in order to save he had suffered All sorts of hardships, and then the victim of all sorts of crimes, even though he had nearly starved to death in the streets no one had called him to ask if he was doing OK. He had worked hard to reach the point where he was financially stable but all these years he experienced both hardships he had stopped caring what other people thought of him now he did not care what his father thought. Venice is my son. I don't care whether you accept him or not, I've only come back to attend the engagement party as soon as it's over I'll leave. Ben stared at him disdainfully, you can come to the party, but you definitely can't bring your child. Pete did not care about bringing Venice to the party he has no feelings about all this so he casually agreed and then turned around and left with Venice. He didn't even go into the living room, and he left the home that he had lived in for 20 years without a shred, he lowered his head and looked at his watch, it was still early so he decided to return to his grandma's house and take a vantage of this rare opportunity to pick up some things for the old woman on the way. He was about to hold a cab on a section when Perth followed him and stopped in front of him is there something else he crossed his arms with an expression that showed he didn't want to talk to him anymore when he saw him Perth felt angry again. he was clearly in the wrong for fooling around with other men and now he had the nerve to talk to him like this I want to ask you. What exactly did you mean when you called Ging disgusting yesterday he hadn't thought he would remember the words he had used in anger. He was stunned for a moment before indifferently, raising his head to look at him what right do you have to say something like that to her, when he didn't respond, he shouted, you're the disgustingly betrayed me back then, and played around with another man now you have the nerve to...

have you finished

He didn't wait for him to stop talking but frown and cut him off. You don't deserve to talk about what happened back then Perth, we grew up together and after knowing each other for so long, you didn't even give me 1 ounce of trust when he spoke, he became so enraged that his chest felt tight the man he had thought he loved the one he had been willing to spend the rest of his life with had chosen to leave when he needed him the most I was set up and you left without asking a single question. Now we're even we don't owe each other anything you can go right ahead, I won't stop you from living your life with a woman like Ging with that he turned him back on Perth and over to take Venice's hand and prepared to leave at that moment, Perth realized that there was something strange About what he was saying he reached out to grab his wrist and asked anxiously. What do you mean you were set up? Ging was hiding nearby and listening to their conversation couldn't hold back anymore. She quickly walked over to them, grabbed the next waist, and said, coquettishly, Perth, why did you come out here? Why didn't you come back with me? she couldn't completely hide the panic on her face. It was obvious that she wanted to stop Pete from speaking the truth Pete glanced at her and laughed and Ridley You showed up just in time. Hearinghimdisdain Nicki mediately became defensive, is all that you were saying all this is it because you want to make Ging look bad he looked at him wondering what kind of spell Ging had put on him to make him like this. If you were so protective of her why are you still following me U2 are living your lives, so just leave me alone. Pete couldn't bear to listen to their nonsense any longer he spit out his words and left with Venice

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