"Playtimes over." The man grinned while he moved his hand away from the fork, leaving it stand in it's own, wedged into the table.

"Theo, just let me talk some sense into them." Alaric said towards the man, almost begging him. Elara was seriously beginning to hate Theo with everything she had within her.

"No, we did it your way." Theo merely muttered "Now, we're gonna try mine." he gestured towards something behind the three hostages to come forwards.

Elara felt herself being pulled out of her chair, she also saw the same was happening with Simon. "Hey, Hey!" Clary yelled "Don't touch them!"

The man gripped onto the brunette's shoulder tightly, sending her a horrid smile. Elara grimiced as she immediately looked away from him.

"Don't move. Tell us where the Cup is or Little Doppelganger and your funny friend, dies." Theo threatened which in return made Elara scoff at the nickname.

Clary turned her head to look at them with fear. 'Come on Clary! Lie if you have too!' Elara internally thought before she saw Clary narrow her eyes slightly before nodding her head ever so slightly. That alone made Elara confused, did she actually hear her thoughts?

"Please don't hurt them." Clary pleaded the moment she turned back towards Theo and Alaric "I promise you, I swear to you, I do not know where the cup is."

"That's too bad." Theo smirked once more "Get rid of them." he nodded towards the two people restraining Elara and Simon.

The men immediately began to drag the siblings away as they got pulled through the doors. "Simon!" Elara yelled the second she was dragged away from him, the man pulling her someplace else.

Elara soon found herself, alone. restrained to a chair, struggling against the ropes that bound her there. She tried pulling with all her might but nothing worked.

Elara allowed a small whimper to leave her lips, she hadn't felt this helpless since the accident she endured last year. The same feeling settling within the pit of her stomach. Was this really how she was going to die? Not even having said goodbye to her friends, her family, her brother or even Jace. She didn't want to die this way, she just couldn't.

"Simon!" Elara shouted loudly with the mere hope he'd somehow hear her from whatever room they had placed him in. The girls heart was beating like a humming birds wings as she felt herself begin to panic. She hated being restricted, bad memories being bought back at the mere feeling.

She felt like a cadged animal, dreaming of being freed once more. But alas that wouldn't be her outcome would it? The cadge was closing in on her now, threating her breaths to come out shorter and quicker while her vision blurred. Elara let out a loud cry as she struggled once more against the ropes, but she was weak something she dreaded to feel.

A lone tear escaped the girls eye, gently caressing her face as it fell down her cheek. It was the last thing she felt as her head slowly lulled to the side, finally blacking out from the panic attack.


The sound of an alarm blaring loudly made the brunette groan out as her eyes slowly opened. But she soon regretted it the moment smoke began to fill up her lungs causing her to cough loudly, making it even harder to breathe as she struggled against the restraints even more.

A powerful feeling took over the girl as she suddenly ripped her arms free and reached down to pull the restraints away from her legs. Elara fell out of the chair and onto the floor, coughing violently as she began to crawl towards the door.

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