He dramatically threw a claw over his head.

While we devotin' full-time to floatin' unda da sea

He slid off the rock and landed next to a blue lobsters, both of them bongoing on clams, then threw an arm around ear other.

Sebastian, Blue Lobster:
Down here, all 'de fish is happy
As off through 'de waves 'dey roll

A fish happily swam by in circles.

The crab and the lobster frowned, their arms still around each other.

Sebastian, Blue Lobster:
'De fish on the land ain't happy
'Dey sad 'cause 'dey on 'de bowl

A bigger fish in a bubble swan by near Arius. He looked at the fish, concerned, as Sebastian swam over.

But fish in 'de bowl is lucky
'Dey in for a worser fate
One day when 'de boss get hungry...

He popped the bubble and the fish fell onto a rock, although he still looked unimpressed.

Big Fish:
Guess who gon' be on 'de plate

Oh, unda da sea
Unda da sea

Arius ran his fingers in what seemed to be some soft plants. One popped out, showing itself to be a tiny seahorse.

Nobody beat us,
Fry us and eat us
In fricassee

A bunch more seahorses swam around Arius, ticking him.

Sebastian put a chain into a clam, then backed up.

We what the landfolks loves to cook
Unda da sea, we off da hook
We got no troubles, life is 'de bubbles!

The clam spat out the chain and it flew over Sebastian's head as he ducked, bubbles flying out of it.

Unda da sea

[Under the sea]

Unda da sea

[Under the sea]

Since life is sweet here,
We got the beat here


Even da sturgeon and 'de ray,
'Dey get 'de urge and start to play

They did, in fact, start playing instruments, smiling as they did so.

We got 'de spirit, you got to hear it unda da sea

He hit more clam-drums while other sea creatures played their own instruments.

'De newt play 'de flute
'De carp play 'de harp
'De plaice play 'de brass
And 'dey soundin' sharp
'De bass play 'de brass
'De chub play 'de tub
'De fluke is 'de duke of soul


'De ray, he can play
'De lings on 'de string
'De trout's rockin' out
'De blackfish, she sings

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