Part 1

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He stared at me. Watching me like a hawk. I broke the gaze in hope he'd look away. But he didn't. I could still feel his gaze burning into me. I looked back up to see him force a smile.

He stood beside the door I had to go through. I walked up the few steps to the college entrance! looking to the ground as I entered through the open door. I stopped when I realised someone was stood in front of me. I looked up to see him. His blue eyes still staring straight into mine.

"Hey." He smiled with a slight nod. He wore a white dress shirt with thin blue stripes, with light brown shorts.

"Hi." I said, not much more than a whisper.

"I've not seen you around here. You new?" I nodded. "Nervous?" Again I nodded, as did he. "I'm Teddy." He held his hand out to me.

"Alexis." I forced a smile and shook his hand. I looked down to his arm to see it was strong with very defined veins. He was still smiling.

"Ally!" I looked behind Teddy to see my friend Pete. The two of us had known each other since we were kids. I ran up to him and hugged him. "Teddy, man." He smiled, outstretching his fist to Teddy. I looked up at him confused. "We live together. Anyway, how are you? I've missed you."

"I'm good, nervous but good." I smiled up at him. His hazel brown eyes shone in the light from the open door behind us. "You?"

"I'm great. I see you two have met."

"Hey, I couldn't miss her." Teddy smiled, leaning against the wall. Pete shot him a strange look.

"So are you just signing up?"

"Yeah, need to look for somewhere to live too." I sighed, readjusting the folders on my hip.

"Well, why don't you come live with us? We've got spaces left in out Frat, and we'll be moving in Wednesday." Pete looked up to Teddy who shrugged in agreement.


"Yep. Now lets get you signed up." Pete wrapped his arm around my shoulders and led me down the hallway with Teddy walking next to him.

After signing up for college, the three of us walked into town.

"Another year of Delta Psi." Teddy smiled to Pete.

"Yeah, lets make it a good one." He playfully punched Teddy's arm.

"Delta Psi! Delta Psi!" They began to chant.

"What?" I questioned, putting my Ray-Bans on.

"Our fraternity." Pete smiled, pointing to the three of us.

"Right." I smiled.

"You've got a lot to learn newbie." Teddy smiled. "How much do you actually know about Pete?" He grinned fiendishly.

"I dunno. enough I guess." I smiled up to Pete. Who wrapped his arm around me again.

"So... do you know about his partying antics?"

"No. She doesn't." Pete sighed. "She doesn't need to yet."

"What about his special skill?"

"Can you still do that?" I asked, shocked.

"With this bad boy? Oh yeah." He smiled, pointing to his crotch.

"Damn, I thought that was just a phase."


Teddy drove the moving lorry to the new frat house.

"Lets go." He smiled. I followed Pete out of the truck and around to the back. I looked across to our new neighbours house. A fairly young couple were stood on their porch watching. I gave them a quick wave which the woman returned. The rest of fraternity arrived and began unpacking. Teddy carried some large Greek letters into the house.

After an hour, everything was in the house. I sat on the steps outside with Pete when the neighbours I had waved at earlier walked towards us.

"Hello, we're your new neighbours." The man smiled.

"Hey, I'm Teddy. This is Pete and Alexis." Teddy had obviously joined us but I never noticed him until he spoke.

"I'm James. This is Sarah." We all shook hands.

"And who's this little princess?" Pete asked as we both bobbed down to looked at the baby in the stroller.

"That's Izzy." The woman smiled.

"Hey Izzy." I smiled as I gently tapped the baby's hand. She let a loud giggle and banged her hands on the stroller.

"We see your a fraternity, and we're expecting you to have parties and all that, but do you think you could just, you know, keep the noise down?" James smiled.

"Sure. If it ever gets too loud, tell us first." Teddy smiled. "Speaking of which, you should come tonight."

"You wouldn't want us here. We're old...and we've got Izzy." Sarah smiled.

"No we do. And you've got a baby monitor right? "

"Okay then. You talked us into it." James laughed, it was obvious they wanted to come.

The house was lit up wit green neon lights, and booze on every table. Teddy threw a load of bags with what looked like tobacco in them, onto the table in front of me. I looked up at him and raised my eyebrows.

"You're still learning." He smiled and winked. "Follow me." I followed him up the stairs and to a door with a code lock on it. I looked away while he unlocked it. Another set of stairs then led into Teddy's room. "4 20."

"What is 4 20?" I asked, leaning on the banister of the stairs.

"If you need to get away from anything or anyone, then that's the code for that door. You and Pete are the only others who know that." Teddy went across his room and sat on his bed, motioning for me to join. "Now, you know we're having a party, right?"


"And this will be your fist college fraternity party?"


"Well, this will relate back to the other day when I asked if you knew about Pete's party antics. You see, that was weed I put on that table. And you've obviously noticed all the alcohol around the place. It's so everyone can have a good time. Now I'm not expecting you to do drugs. I just want you to be safe and happy, okay?"

"Yeah, okay. But you will?"

"Yeah, don't worry though." He put his arm around me. "I'll be fine."

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