70)In the Heat of The Moment

Start from the beginning

"Octavia is okay. I know where she is, I can take you to her but you need to be quiet because people are sleeping okay?"

"You know where she is?"

"Yeah, I'll show you. Here hold onto my hand your starting to wobble."

His legs were getting shakier and Clarke was lucky his mind was so focused on his sister or he might have given up to sleep under a bush somewhere.

She walked him to Octavia and Lincoln's tent wondering how they could still be asleep with the noise Bellamy was making. She called out for Octavia hoping she was decent but Bellamy got excited and practically dived into the tent.

"Octavia? Where are you?"

He stumbled to where she was lying on her side. Luckily Lincoln was on watch so Clarke wouldn't have to explain why he was there.
The girl rolled over and grunted at her brother that was patting her all over checking for injuries probably.

"Bell? What the hell are you doing?"

She looked over at Clarke who looked apologetic.

"He's got a fever, he thought you'd been taken and was trying to find you. He also punched Miller."

Octavia raised an eyebrow but sat up in her bed and too Bellamy's shoulders.

"Hey Big brother what happened?"

She was so gentle like talking to a child but Clarke saw the smirk hidden beneath her concerned look.
Bellamy still seemed very upset and looked ready to cry.

"They took you away and I couldn't find you O. I didn't know where you'd gone and I don't feel good and I'm too cold."

He whimpered and Octavia made a face like she was looking at the world's cutest puppy, which she practically was.

"Aww Bell, you're just very tired and it's making everything a bit too hard. You found me its okay."

She took him in her arms and let him sniffle into her shoulder. She had dealt with this sort of thing a few times when he had gotten really drunk or once when he hit his head during guard duty, however that happened.

"How about you go with Clarke and she can make you feel all better hmm? You go with Clarke and I'll see you in the morning okay?"

He placed a sloppy kiss on her head, making her laugh, before she let him go and pushed him towards the waiting doctor.
He was so tired now he had his eyes closed and Clarke had to hold his hand to lead him in the right direction.

"We'll just stop off at my tent to get some of that tea before we get you to yours. It won't take long so you just sit and wait quietly okay?"

The boy nodded and followed her inside her tent. Clarke turned to her small desk that Bellamy had made for her to work on. When she had the tea she turned around to see Bellamy in her bed hiding under the covers. He was the biggest four year old she'd ever seen and she let out a small smile as she pulled back the covers.

His curly head peeked out and he whined about it being cold. There wasn't really any point in moving him so she set the tea down and snaked her hands under the covers to find his jaw. He squealed a little at her cold fingers as she pressed them to the underside of his jaw.

Besides the fever he also had swollen glands and Clarke let out an irritated huff of air. Some people passed right through the fever and were fine the next day but those with swollen glands were sick longer and having her co-leader be one of them really wasn't something she wanted to deal with.

There wasn't much she could do besides keep him hydrated so she picked up the tea and tried to pull back the covers a little more.

"Bellamy I need you to drink some tea, you need to stay hydrated."

Bellarke One Shots Book 2Where stories live. Discover now