And right there in his chest pocket was a red rose.

Clarke fell back into her seat, deciding to at least check him out and what she saw wasn't that bad.

His hair was ruffled, probably from hurrying here and the cold wind had left some color on his cheeks. There was a small dimple right at his chin and longer fingers fiddled with a phone, most definitely checking the time. His shoulders were broad and he was taller than Clarke, even with her wearing Raven's heels.

Their eyes met briefly but his flitted through the room some more before Clarke's hand wandered up into the hair, waving at him without her doing.

It took him a little to finally spot her but when he did a smile spread over his lips and damn it suited him well.

Quickly he strode through the bar to her table, shrugging out of his suit jacket and revealing more of the dress shirt which span across an impressive biceps.

"I am so sorry," he apologized as soon as he was within ear shot, throwing his jacket over his chair and falling into it swiftly. He offered Clarke a hand, "Hi, I'm Bellamy," he introduced himself and Clarke took it, her small hand fitting into his perfectly and now that he was closer she could see the tan of his skin was a stark contrast to hers and where those freckles?

"Clarke," her mouth spoke and Bellamy's smile grew a little wider.

"I hope you weren't waiting too long already but the subway was late because of some mechanical difficulties and... yeah... I'm really sorry!" He looked seriously apologetic.

"Just a few minutes," she waved it off, enjoying the way her hand still lingered in his. Just now realizing what she was doing, she quickly drew it back, catching a hint of disappointment in his eyes.

He overplayed it though by ordering a beer for himself and another drink for Clarke. "So," he drawled then, stretching the o. "This is my first blind date and to be quite honest it's also the first date in a while so I am not quite sure what to say." He shrugged helplessly and the gesture was so endearing that Clarke had to laugh.

"You got lucky then, I'm just as uninformed as you!"

He beamed at her admission, "Oh, good, I mean not good because you should definitely date... I mean you are hot and oh my god, I'm gonna stop talking now."

Clarke laughed some more while her eyes tracked the blush appearing at his neck. "You're not so bad yourself," she confessed and a sly smile appeared on his lips.

"Well, thank you for the compliment."

Clarke just smiled at him, her heart beating a little faster and was it supposed to be like this? Weren't blind dates supposed to be boring and awkward and stilted?

This felt nothing like it.

"So, I guess we should get to know each other, right?" Bellamy asked her, drawing her out of her revelation and Clarke nodded absently, admiring the way his skin looked under the golden glow of the fairy lights around them.

"So, Clarke, what do you do for a living?" He leaned forward a little, looking her directly in the eyes.

"I'm a pediatrician," she told him, taking a sip from her drink, trying to look at least a little bit sexy. "And you?"

Bellamy swallowed before answering, lowering his voice a little bit. "I'm working as a firefighter," he admitted then and Clarke eyed him for a moment, unsure if she should really believe him. "Seriously! I do!" Bellamy assured her, searching the pockets of his suit and finally producing an official looking badge.

"Oh, wow...," Clarke breathed out, willing her body to calm down a little bit no matter how much hotter Bellamy had just gotten.


Bellarke One Shots Book 2Where stories live. Discover now