The tools and work attire were provided by the government, and since there is a risk of infectious diseases when handling waste and sewage, they also received a hazardous duty allowance, of course. They collected the waste and sewage from early morning at 06:00 until noon, then transported it to the suburban collection sites until around 16:00, where fermentation took place.

To carry out this work, we employed people who were abandoned as children or in a homeless state due to unemployment. Although I wanted to provide them with cleaner and safer jobs, when the government announced that they would provide housing, clothing, and meals for this kind of work, many of them actively wanted to participate.

According to the report, there are hundreds of abandoned children in Paris, and 85% of them voluntarily wished to work when introduced to this job. It seems that the government project and the provision of basic needs were quite attractive. Even after deducting expenses for housing, clothing, and meals from their wages, they were paid a daily wage of 1 livre, which was almost the same as that of adult workers, including the hazardous duty allowance.

"Most of them were children who are homeless... so-called street children... Hmm, are there any children among them who are literate?"

"Yes, there are a few, but not many... Most of them became abandoned before learning to read and write."

"In that case, it might be a good idea to add about an hour of education to teach them how to read and write. Let's designate the children who can do calculations and read and write as group leaders and ensure education is provided two days a week. It will be useful for them when they want to pursue other jobs."

"Yes, Your Majesty."

After giving instructions to the administrative personnel who brought the report, to ensure that they can read and write, I asked them to schedule a combination of education and work. Thanks to the introduction of this system, the act of throwing waste and sewage on the streets has significantly decreased. If visible results continue to be seen during the trial operation, I intend to give instructions to collect waste and sewage throughout Paris by the end of this year.

Now, while all this is happening, a major event is approaching. I have to go and welcome a certain person. In June, the Austrian ambassador informed me that Joseph II, the brother of Antoinette, wishes to visit France and have an audience with me and Antoinette regarding reform matters.

Uuhh... have I done something through my reforms?

Anyway, Joseph II is scheduled to arrive at the Palace of Versailles this afternoon. After finishing reading the newspaper, I will proceed with the final preparations to welcome Joseph II along with the ministers.



"State Guest"


I'd like to think it was my first post, so it's my first post.


I'm really... nervous.

Yes, after all, he is Antoinette's older brother and, from my perspective, my brother-in-law. Although it's just a family matter here, in reality, Joseph II is also the Emperor of the Holy Roman Empire. The Archduchy of Austria and the Holy Roman Empire are in a union, so together with Her Majesty Maria Theresa, the Archduchess of Austria and Antoinette's mother, they support the country.

Well, it's a bit complicated, but Joseph II is the Emperor of the Holy Roman Empire, and Maria Theresa, as the Archduchess of Austria and the top figure in the Archduchy, plays an advisory role to the Emperor. Well, I managed to simplify the explanation quite a bit, but Joseph II is essentially the top figure of the country. The decision for my brother-in-law to suddenly come to France was made in the middle of last month.

I Reincarnated as Louis XVI to Stop the Revolution and Be Happy with AntoinetteWhere stories live. Discover now