◇Day 2◇

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The lights flicker on the next morning causing an earthquake of protesting groans from the omegas in the room. Minho curses up a storm as Seonghwa grunts in agreement, turning in their bed to burrow into Minho's side. Minho lets him, wrapping his arm around his waist as he grabs another pillow and slams it against his face to block out the light.

Misuk whines. "Noooo, turn the lights off."

San groans, face crinkled in a grimace, and buries his face in her neck, pulling her close. Misuk is quick to wrap herself around him and San quickly falls back asleep to her small rubs against his scalp and back.

Jongho sits up in his bed and lazily blinks, bleary eyes glazing over the different beds. "We need... to get up."

"Ugh," Felix groans from across the room. "Nooo."

"Fuck that," Hyunjoo grumbles, blindly fumbling around to pull Jongho back down. "Lay back down."

The beta mumbles something about being responsible as he shifts in the bed and collapses on top of her back, briefly eyeing the tattoos across her shoulder before falling asleep.

Yeosang twitches before he shifts from under the cover and pokes his messy black hair out the top. His face is puffy as he squints around the room. "Hm? 'S mornin' already?"

He reaches over and pats Hyunjin's arm. The omega hums but remains still.

"Hyunjin. We gotta wake up," Yeosang slurs, pulling himself up into a sitting position.

Hyunjin grumbles something unintelligible as he burrows into his pillow. Yeosang shakes his head before his eyes dart to the nightstand and he perks up. "Oh! They left us medicine!"

"Really!?" Felix perks up immediately, turning his head toward the nightstand before he groans and reaches over to grab them and the water bottle. "Thank God!"

The others start to stir with the promise of meds to quell their massive headaches. Minho grabs his set and downs them with the entire water bottle. He takes a minute to wake himself up some more, lazily blinking his pretty eyes. Seonghwa slumps against the headboard, running a hand through his dark hair as he waits for the meds to kick in.

San is pouting up a storm as Misuk makes him take the pills, and Seonghwa chuckles to himself in amusement at the sight. Minho glances to the side and watches as Yeosang tries to lightly shake Hyunjin awake. The omega doesn't budge, though, and after realizing this, Yeosang sighs and slumps back into the headboard.

Minho takes pity on him and slides out of bed, walking over to Hyunjin's side. He takes a minute to just soak in his beauty, moving his soft black hair out of his face before he begins poking his face insistently. Hyunjin's face wrinkles as he groans. "Stop."

Minho snorts and continues to do it, pressing harder with each poke. Hyunjin smacks his hand away, turning his head to the other side. Minho lifts an eyebrow before he grips his pillow and yanks on it. Hyunjin yelps as he flinches awake.

"Yah! Hyung, what the fuck!?" he yells. He immediately regrets it, moaning as he presses his fingers against his temple. "Fuck, my head hurts."

Minho chuckles to himself as he places the pillow back down and hands him the pills. "Here."

Hyunjin perks up and takes the pills from him. "Thanks, hyung."

Minho shakes his head, handing him the open water bottle and gently running his hand through his hair. "Just take the pill and shut up."

Hyunjin pouts but does as he's told, absently leaning into the older omega's touch as he gulps down the meds. "Mean."

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⏰ Last updated: 6 days ago ⏰

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