"Hey Luna!". I hear someone call out. I turn around and see Elijah and a couple other Soc's. One of them cat whistles and Elijah smacks the back of there head.

"Whats up?". I say walking backward. 

"Bob and Sylvia are having a child!, Can you believe it?". Elijah says walking up to me. Dallas tenses seeing Elijah get close and grabs my hand tight. I glance at him before facing Elijah again.

"Well thats cute". I mumble.

"I know right?. Like.. I cant believe they are. I thought that it would be Dallas's since they dated for around a year". Elijah says staring at Dallas. Dallas doesnt take his eyes off the other Soc's.

"Yeah well, we gotta go. Thanks for stopping by". I say putting on a fake smile and wave Elijah a bye. He nods and walks back to his other buddies. 

"Well he's nice". Johnny says looking at me smiling. Dallas lets go of my hand but keeps his fingers touching mine.

"Yeah, I guess". I say shrugging. 


After a couple of minutes we finally make it to the house. Ponyboy leaps outside of the door before we even knock. 

"hey guys". He says wiping his eyes.

"Whats wrong?". I ask walking up to him and hugging him.

"Man, I dont wanna talk about it right now. Can we just go". Ponyboy says smiling at me. I nod and we start walking. Johnny stays back a little walking with Ponyboy trying to talk to him. Me and Dallas walk next to each other. I hang my head low and avoid eye contact.

"You look beautiful". Dallas says out of nowhere. I look up at him. He looks down at me.

"Oh". I say. I say that because I dont truly know what to say. We continue walking and I grab the Christopher and fidget with it. Dallas looks down at me and grabs my hand fidgeting with it. He interlocks our fingers. I tense up at the touch but instantly loosen. He's wearing a few rings. I fidget with one on his finger and he doesnt stop me. He lets me do it all the way to the Diner.


"What can I get you?". A lady ask us while we take seats at a booth. Johnny is sitting next to Ponyboy across from me and Dallas. 

"Water for me please". I say smiling at the lady. 

"Coke". Dallas says bluntly. I hit my knee against his.

"Please". He says annoyed at my action.

"Water please". Johnny says kindly to the lady.

"May I also get a coke?". Ponyboy says smiling at the women as she nods and walks away with our order. 

"So hows the kid doing?". Dallas ask letting go of my hand and putting it on my thigh. I jump at the coldness of his fingers. That causes Johnny to raise and eyebrow at me. I quickly cover up.

"Stupid bug". I say quickly. 

"Im doing good. Darry shoved me hard, thats why I was crying". Ponyboy says looking at me. I reassure him with my eyes that its okay.

"Ill talk to him". Dallas says sighing. Ponyboy nods and faces Johnny starting a small talk with him. I look down at Dallas's hand on my thigh. I try to bounce my leg to help with anxiousness but every time I try he squeeze's my thigh tight.

"Heres your drinks". The woman says passing our drinks out. 

"Thank you". I say smiling at her and she smiles back.

"You look pretty, miss". She says to me. 

"Awh, thank you, you to". I say smiling wide at her. She blushes. 

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