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The rest of the journey went by in a blur. Uzui was so preoccupied with worry and wondering what state Rengoku would be in when they got there, that he didn't notice the terrain had changed until he almost ran into a tree. Pulling to a stop just in time, he ignored the small giggle that escaped Mitsuri. He'd have laughed too, if they had switched places. Kaname cawed harshly. "Follow me!!" He swooped down from a perch high in one of the trees, angling his wings to fit perfectly through the small gaps between tree trunks. Uzui followed, being slowed down by the undergrowth more than he would have liked. Mitsuri trailed behind; she knew that this was meant to just be Uzui and Rengoku, and she was determined to make sure it was just them. She'd be happy just seeing that her former mentor was alive and well.

Rengoku was still curled up at the base of the rock, hidden partially by the low-hanging slab of granite. He'd shied even deeper into the crack between it and the ground, so far that anyone who wasn't looking wouldn't see him easily. His hands covered his ears; he didn't want to keep hearing the disembodied voice of his father berating him over his sins. Unfortunately, the simple action couldn't banish the anger behind the voice in his head. Tears pricked his eyes again, the salty sting far too familiar at this point. At least he'd finished regenerating.

The tart, citrusy scent of Kaname graced his nose, lifting the veil of misery ever so slightly.

The crow had disappeared completely under the rock, Uzui and Mitsuri watching from respective distances. The love pillar was standing at the edge of the small shaded clearing, giving the two some space. If she needed to, she could retreat father into the trees. Is Kyojuro under there? No way he'd fit, Uzui thought. That's a tiny gap. I couldn't get in there if I tried.

Black tail feathers wagged at his feet as Kaname backed out of the space, looking up at the sound hashira, then back into the crack. "I brought Uzui," he said, trying to coax the fire demon out of his hiding place. After a few moments of silence, he glanced back up at the pillar. "He can't hear me," he informed, waving a wing at the space under the rock. "You have to try."

Uzui huffed as he leaned down, practically getting down on all fours to peer under. What he saw was worse than what he could have imagined. Rengoku was curled into a ball, making him look tiny in the darkness that surrounded him. Tears stained his pretty face, a crestfallen, scared expression making it that much worse. His eyes were glazed over and unfocused, staring blankly at the ground before him as he covered his ears, trying to block out an unheard noise.

Seeing his Rengoku like this was terrifying. "Kyojuro..?" Uzui reached under the rock, tapping his knee twice. He could barely reach.

The demon jolted, hitting his head on the rock above before he blinked, slowly turning his head to look at the sound pillar. For a moment, all his features softened in relief, but he tensed again, pressing his small body against the back wall as sadness returned to haunt his eyes. In the tiniest voice Uzui had ever heard come out of the flame hashira's mouth, he whispered, "Please kill me.."

"What? Why?" Uzui was shocked.

"I-" his next words came out as a choked sob, and Rengoku buried his head back into his arms. "I killed someone. I killed them and ate them, Tengen..!" He was distressed, not thinking straight in his confusion.

This was an array of emotions that the sound pillar had never expected from the other. And while it may now be his obligation as a demonslayer to kill Rengoku, Uzui didn't give a flying fuck. He just wanted to help his fire feel better.

"Hey, that's not going to happen." His voice was quiet and gentle. "I'm sure you didn't mean to."

"It doesn't matter though, does it?"

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