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I had a mini crisis trying to figure out how to write this chapter- and then another when I realized I didn't know what the heck I was doing with Rengoku

It's dark.

That was the only thing Rengoku knew for sure. There was no clue around him as to where he was, but there was no light visible through his closed eyes. He couldn't move, either. It wasn't like he was bound, but he knew he was trapped, immobilized, in some way. That obi.. Am I tied up in that? No, I can tell I'm not tied up. It was more of a light, uncomfortable pressure on his body and limbs, pushing in on him from every direction and angle. Rengoku's arms and legs felt like lead, heavy compared to the lightheaded feeling in his head.

I need to get out of here. He could feel his sword pressed against his leg. I could try to cut my way out.

Reaching for the katana proved to be in vain, as no matter how hard he strained his muscles, he could not move even a centimeter. The more he tried, the heavier his limbs would feel. That isn't going to work, he accepted, turning his mind to other ideas. I can't move, can't grab my sword.. There aren't many other things I can try.

With no clear conception of time, Rengoku could only guess how long he'd been trapped. At least an hour, maybe two. The pressure had only gotten worse, growing to the point where it was beginning to put stress on his skeleton. It'll shatter my bones if I'm in here long enough, the flame pillar concluded. He had to escape before that happened.

But trying everything he could, the flame pillar only succeeded in making it worse. Eventually he stilled, relaxing his body.

Maybe it'll accept slow movements.

True to the idea, when he moved at a snail's pace, the resistance faltered and allowed him to move. After a minute, he was able to lightly grasp the hilt of his sword and gradually pull the weapon out of its sheath.

How do I cut something that isn't there? There were no walls to the strange prison, no ceiling, and no floor. It was like he was floating, suspended in a dark, suffocating void. He tried to swing his katana, but the moment he tried moving quickly, the watchful restraints once again held him in place. Rengoku breathed deeply, reminding himself that he needed to get out and help Uzui and the others fight whatever demon this was. It has to be a member of the kizuki, even if it's weaker than Upper Three.

I can't let it hurt any of my companions.

I'm a hashira, it's my duty to protect those weaker than me.

Cold, dark whispers bled into Rengoku's mind, an ominous ringing sound in his ears. 'A hashira?' The voice wasn't any that the pillar recognized, but held a tone that made him shiver. 'I don't remember turning any demonslayers that high in rank.'

If Rengoku didn't have such control over his heartbeat, it'd be pounding dangerously in his ribcage. Who is this?

Completely ignoring the question, Muzan Kibutsuji continued. 'What a situation you've gotten yourself into.'

I can handle it.

'Can you? You're still stuck. Akaza was foolish to think there's anything special about a hashira-turned demon. Why my uppermoons are wasting time on recovering you, I have no idea.'

The ringing faded, replaced by a deafening silence. Alone with his thoughts again, Rengoku gripped the handle of his katana tightly. So my thoughts aren't safe. No, he wouldn't be listening in on every demon at once, so maybe it's only happening when I get that ringing in my ears. He pointed the tip of the blade down. More importantly, now I know why the obi demon was targeting me. It must plan on keeping me trapped until the sun goes down. Is it just this demon and Upper Three that are coming after me? Or more? It'd be bad if any of the other kizuki are in on this plan. Loosening his deathgrip on the hilt, Rengoku fixed his composure, taking a calm stance. Whatever the case may be, I need to get out of here.

Warmth budded inside his chest, the faintest orange glow piercing through the blackness around him. Something blazing hot gripped the space below him, yanking on the cage roughly until a harsh tear severed the obi.

--------------(The boys are still looking for Daki)

Uzui glared up at the sun, where it sat just past its peak in the sky. His expression was serious; however, worry hounded his calm exterior from the inside out. He'd just returned to check on Rengoku, only to find the inn in shambles, collapsed and bloodstained with no trace of the flame hashira in or around it. If he got caught in the sunlight, I would have found something.

Now, he was headed to regroup with Tanjiro and Inosuke. He needed to get them up-to-date with the information he had- and make sure a few things were clear.

Vaulting onto the rooftop of a restaurant, Uzui was glad to see the two younger slayers already there. "Hey, listen up," he instructed. The boys turned his way, Inosuke keeping his arms crossed in defiance. "First of all, you two can leave at any time. I'd prefer you get out of here before it gets too dangerous; Kyojuro would never let it go if something bad happened to either of you. Speaking of which, he's currently MIA, just like your petty thunder friend."

Tanjiro, hesitant to say anything that might jinx Rengoku's safety, remained silent.

"How many times is Bug-Eyes going to need to be rescued??" Inosuke questioned.

(... you have no clue, Inosuke..)

"Don't call him that, idiot!" Uzui shouted his protective urges egging him on. Clearing his throat, he continued in a quieter voice. "If you do stay, keep out of the way of any fighting that happens." He grinned, headband flashing in the sunlight. "Let the hashira deal with it."

Uzui jumped up before the lower ranked  slayers could say anything, quickly returning to searching for the demon.Tanjiro turned to Inosuke with determination written on his face. "We're going to find Zenitsu and Rengoku-san, and help Uzui-san defeat the demon!"

Underneath his boar mask, Inosuke gave a frightening, devilish smile. With one fist, he punched Tanjiro lightly in the chest, letting his hand remain pressed there for a moment. "Watch and learn, underling, as Lord Inosuke paves the way! Like the God of Festivals said, don't you dare get hurt!" As Inosuke lowered his hand, Tanjiro smiled brightly at his friend. The two raced off, searching for the elusive demon that stole their comrades.

Trust in me when I say I have a plan. I have big things in store for our pal, our friend, our neighborhood flame hashira, our donut boi.

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