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"Hey Greenie, you been assigned a job yet?" I heard a loud voice calling.

Once Nick broke it to me that I was the only girl here, I needed a little time. It's wasn't a huge deal of course, in retrospect. This whole trapped on a patch of green surrounded by walls is far more worrying than this. Though I can't help but feel a little more alone because of it.

I had taken the time away to think near a wall with a bunch of engraved names. I was out here by myself for so long that it started getting dark. As a result I'm only just about able to make out the figure running towards me. Gally?

"Uh, no. Not yet." I explain, but try to follow it up with something more positive. Something tells me I shouldn't get on his bad side. Maybe it was the way he spoke so authoritatively to Newt, who's literally second in command, or maybe it's just a vibe I'm getting. "But I'll work hard to find something that fits tomorrow!"

"Why wait til tomorrow?" He suggests, pointing his head in the direction of yet another hut I haven't stepped foot in. "How about now?"

"Uh, okay...." I reply slightly unsure, but follow where he leads anyways. "Where are we going?"

"Somewhere you've been before." Gally vaguely says, offering no other information. I've only visited a handful of places today, so it does narrow it down significantly. Not to mention, I'm pretty much banned from going into the kitchen ever again. So that dwindles it down a little more.

"Care to be more specific?" I persist, needing to catch up a little to Gally. I honestly didn't need to ask this question as the closer we got to the building, the more sure I was that I actually knew the answer. "Nevermind."

"We can't find Clint, and Jeff is off helping someone." Gally begins to explain. "They're our Med-Jacks. I heard you didn't take well to the Bloodhouse, so maybe saving lives instead will work out better for you."

"That's oddly thoughtful." I mumble to myself, not caring if Gally heard me or not. "So who am I fixing up? Or rather, attempting to..."

"Minho." Gally states, stopping in front of the Med area. I stepped in first, then looked around for Minho. Gally followed behind me, pointing me in the right direction. "There isn't much to it, he's just bleeding a little. It's just that I'm no good with this sort of stuff." Gally explains, motioning with his arms at the the few medical instruments around the place.

"It's nice to see you again, Minho." I greet the boy sitting on one of the beds. "Though I didn't expect it to be under these kinds of conditions." I add, making him smile slightly.

"I've got to get fixed up by someone who's barely been here a day?" Minho jokes, shaking his head. "Am I allowed to put in a complaint?"

"If you can manage that long without bleeding out, be my guest." I joke back, noticing a small bit of blood dripping from one of Minho's arms that he's holding tightly. "You're gonna have to let go."

Minho does as I say, uncovering a rather deep wound in his arm. I'm slightly taken back by the severity. Judging both from Gally's lacking explanation and Minho's humourous responses, I didn't expect it to be as bad as it looks.

"I'll need towels, Gally." I state, putting my hand quickly over Minho's wound and applying pressure. I don't know whether that'll make it better or worse, but it weirdly feels like the right thing to do.

"Are you ordering me around now that-

"Gally!" I basically shout. "Your friend is basically bleeding out here and you're really complaining about the specific way I asked you to get me a towel? I'd get it myself if I knew where anything was, but I don't. So go get me one."

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