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     People started to clap after the plane landed 'idiots,' I say in my head. I waited very impatiently to get off. I really didn't want to be on this plane anymore. After finally getting off, I went to get my luggage. I was looking for my white and tan luggage bags as the baggage claim spun around. I finally found all of mine. I was glad that none of them got lost. I called my aunt to see if she was on her way to pick me up.

"I'm here, I wasn't going to be late to pick you up,"

"Okay, I'm coming outside,"

     After that short call, I came outside to see it was bright. I looked at my phone, and it said it was 8 a.m. in Germany. I see my aunt standing outside of her car she runs up to me and gives me a hug. I obviously hug her back. " I missed you so much. How have you been," my Aunt asked me while she slowly stopped hugging me. " I've been okay, not the best, but I'm hoping it will get better," she looks at me and nods, taking some of my luggage as I take the rest. We put all of it in the car, some in the trunk, and some in the backseat. She put some music on and started to drive. We were singing to some of the songs, and the others we would talk over them about nothingness. We started driving into a neighborhood and finally stopped the car in her driveway. The house was beautiful it was grey and had a lot of flowers and greenery around it. I love plants and flowers, so of course I'm going to think it looks good. I walked inside, rolling my luggage behind me. The interior was even better. The kitchen was grey and white with a chandelier over the island and marble counter tops. The house had a very high ceiling, and the railing to go upstairs was a dark wood color. I had no clue she had a fancy ass house, I mean, I knew she had money, but damn. " Go upstairs and look at your room it's at the end of the hallway." I looked at her before taking my luggage and bringing it upstairs. I went to the last door and opened it up. I had no clue that she decorated the inside of it. I'm glad she did because it's like my dream room. I unpacked all my stuff and quickly went downstairs, finding Lexi and engulfing her in a hug. "My room is gorgeous. Thank you so much," She looked at me with a small smile on her face" I'm glad you like it, I'm making fettuccine, Alfredo. "  "My favorite, thank you,"

     After eating dinner, I said thank you and went to go take a shower. The hot water felt so nice, and the water pressure was amazing. I already loved the house. Getting out of the shower, I did my curl routine so that they would be a little defined in the morning. After drying them, I put them in my bonnet to make sure they look extra good in the morning. I headed out of the bathroom in my Kuromi pajama pants and a black tank top with purple lace around the neckline they're my favorite, obviously. Going into my room, I was going to go to sleep when I got hella thirsty. Going downstairs to get a class of water, I hear my aunt talking to multiple people. I go into the kitchen, to my surprise, there are four boys sitting in the kitchen. As I open the fridge, I feel eyes on me, I turn around to all of them looking at me, including my aunt.  " What? I'm just getting water," I say in a jokingly tone. "You could say hi," Lexi says as she's slightly shaking her head.
"Okay, so I'm Neylani it's nice to meet,  I didn't get any of your names," " Oh right, I'm Bill," the boy with black hair and eye shadow said looking at the rest of them. " I'm Gustav ,"  another boy said with his blonde hair in a cap, "Georg, " the boy with long hair said with no emphasis.  " Ow jees, I'm tom," I'm guessing Bill hit him somewhere because Bill was giving Tom a Death Star to say something. " Well, it was nice to meet you all, and for whatever reason you're here, well I'm going back to sleep so," I turned around, and started to walk up the stairs when I heard footsteps behind me. I turn around to see Bill, " Are you going to school tomorrow," he asked, waiting for a reply. " yea I am, but how do you know we're going to the same school," I looked at him with a questioning look. " Well, your aunt told us, also the reason why we're here is because she helps us with our music." He was about to turn around." Wait, you guys make music, that's so cool." He looked at me and smiled before turning around and saying good night. I walked up the stairs and laid in bed after taking sips of water, finally going to sleep.

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