"I'm delighted to hear that," Yōsaiya responded with a warm smile, before turning her attention to the young wolf. "Gray, how do you like your new attire?'"

Gray admired his clothes as he was clad in an outfit that mirrored his brother's, Gray prepared himself for another thrilling quest.

He donned a fitted, long-sleeved shirt in a pale shade of gray, its fabric light and breathable against his skin. The color accentuated his unique white hair, which shimmered like moonlight. The shirt's sleeves hugged his arms, revealing the faint scars earned from countless battles.

Gray's pants were solid and practical. The dark fabric, a steadfast black, provided a sharp contrast to his hair and shirt. The pants were tailored to allow for ease of movement, essential for a nimble adventurer like him. Pockets adorned the sides, capable of holding small trinkets or tools he might need on his journey.

Completing his ensemble, Gray slipped into a rugged jacket. Its neutral hue, a blend of black and gray, added depth and mystery to his appearance. The jacket was lightweight yet resilient, ideal for the unpredictable nature of his adventures. Multiple pockets adorned the front, each one a testament to his preparedness.

With one last adjustment to his belt, secured tightly around his waist, Gray fastened the silver buckle before lacing up his dark boots. Crafted from sturdy leather, they provided the necessary protection and support for his demanding expeditions. The soles were rugged, designed to grip the treacherous terrain he often encountered.

Gray's voice resonated with heartfelt appreciation as he directed his praise toward Yōsaiya. "Yōsaiya, you have truly exceeded all expectations," he commended, a touch of awe in his tone. Her impeccable work left him thoroughly impressed.

Turning his gaze towards Lily, Gray eagerly sought her opinion. "And what do you think, Lily?" he inquired, a hint of anticipation lacing his words.

Lily, however, found herself at a loss for words, her cheeks flushing with a constant blush. She managed to mutter under her breath, her voice barely audible, "You... look... handsome..."

Caught off guard by her response, Gray leaned closer, his curiosity piqued. "Pardon me?" he asked, not quite catching her words.

Collecting herself, Lily quickly averted her gaze, her voice slightly hurried. "You look absolutely amazing, Gray," she replied, a touch of shyness evident in her tone.

Witnessing this charming exchange, both Balthasar and Yōsaiya exchanged amused glances, their laughter bubbling forth.

As Gray stood before the mirror, a surge of satisfaction washed over Balthasar. He knew that he was impeccably dressed, fully prepared to rendezvous with the heroes as instructed by the queen the previous night. 

Leading the way, Balthasar and his companions proceeded toward the grand castle. However, they soon encountered a sizable crowd, with knights and individuals clutching crystal balls obstructing their path.

Amidst the commotion, a man at the forefront of the crowd erupted in frustration. "This is utter nonsense!" he bellowed indignantly. "As a member of the Bow Hero's party, I should be granted entry! Why are the Shield Hero's allies allowed inside while I am not?"

Attempting to diffuse the situation, a young woman with flowing green hair implored, "Please, Sir Mald, you must calm yourself."

Mald, filled with rage, lashed out at the woman. The crowd fell silent, startled by his aggression. However, Mald's arm was swiftly intercepted by the charismatic Magic Hero, who sported a cunning grin.

"Sir Mald," he addressed Mald with a sly smile, "did your mother not teach you to never raise your hand against a woman?" With a firm push, Balthasar moved the enraged knight aside, clearing a path for his party as they advanced towards the castle, followed closely by their companions.

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