2 hours after I started to study someone was knocking at the door. I thought it was Bella so I went to the door and opened it.
"Pablo?" I asked holding the door.
"you were waiting for someone else?" He asked and I nodded.
"actually Bella but come in" I said and smiled.
"it is 3 hours left, why are you here" I asked
"I can go if don't want me here" he said
"no, no I don't mean it like that. Stop making me the wrong one" I said and hit him on the shoulders as he laughed.
"joking, but I just wanted to give you my gift earlier. Here" he said and gave me a small box with with pastel yellow paper. I looked at him with a smile on my face and then opened it. It was a silver necklace with a heart on in the middle.
"wow...thank you so much Pablo" I said and hugged him tightly.
"glad you liked it." He said and smiled back to me.
I picked it up from the box and tried to put it on my but it was kind of hard.
"can you help me?" I asked him and he took the necklace from me as he helped me. I took up my hair so it would be easier for him. After he was done I turned around and he was just centimetres away from me. I could hear how he breaths and I could smell his perfume.
"and also... I kinda need to talk to you" he said, but now with a more nervous voice that I could hear.
"about what?" I asked.
"ehm...I- or.." he was trying to say something that he clearly couldn't say.
I did understand what he eventually wanted to tell me. The same thing that I was scared to even say to myself.
Without thinking what I even was doing I held his cheeks with my hands and kissed him. Finally. As our lips collided I was warm. His soft lips.
I let him go as I watched his face. Couldn't tell weather he liked it or he was shocked.
"Pablo Gavi, is it okay if I say that I like you?" I said and smiled at him.
He was silent for a couple of seconds before he said:
"I was supposed to say it first" he said and I laughed at him.
"you took too long" I said.
"alright, miss gomez I have feelings for you as well" he said, still hard.
"it's noticeable that I'am the first girl you have said that too" I said and he turned all red as I laughed at him.
"I will go then, before Bella comes. I'll see you at the restaurant." He said and went to the door.
"bye" he said and started to walk outside.
I watched him at first and then said
"wait" and ran to him as I hugged him.
"I love you, thank you for the gift." I said
"Yo también te amo (i love you too)" he said back to me and I understood what he meant even though I'am not really fluent in Spanish I can the basics.
I watched as he started to go again and I went back inside.
My stomach was still full with butterflies flying around and I was flying in the skies of how happy I was.
It was time to get ready so I took away all of my homework and went to take a shower. All my thoughts was about him and our moment. I have never loved someone so much like him and definitely has no boy treated me so good like him.

After I finished showering Bella came and she was all done. She looked amazing.
"Pedri's eyes will be on you all evening" I said and laughed.
"oh shut up. I'm not dressing up for him" she said and I just looked at her knowing that a part of that was a lie.
"here" she said out of nowhere and gave me a box.
"what's this" I asked and she said that was my birthday present. I opened it and inside there was pyjama and another small box with a silver bracelet with diamonds on it.
"the pyjama is for our sleepovers. We need to ofc match and the bracelet would suit you so." She said and I hugged her as well. It's a very 'high day' today.
"thank you, thank you. I love it so much" I said and she smiled.
"Your welcome" she said. I put the pajamas in a cupboard and the bracelet on my table. As she was sitting on my bed I was doing my makeup and hair and we were just talking.
"where are your parents?" Bella asked
"somewhere having fun. I don't know actually" I said and laughed.
"by the way, do you wanna know what they gave me for birthday?" I asked and she asked what very interested in what they gave me.
"a CAR. More specifically MERCEDES" I said and she was as shocked as I was at the beginning.
"Wow, I really need to see it" she said
"I'll show you, when I'm done."

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