Episode 13 :- ' Life pt: 2 '

Start from the beginning

[ At Riza Palace]

Zedd " Well done Scrozzle.. you found a good monster at last " Scrozzle " Thankyou master "Eve "Yes the red ranger might have gotten away ..but don't worry I will kill her " Zord " No need my little servant will do it and make sure she is good as dead " Eve " So.. am I now your general ? " Zedd " You can call yourself that when you bring me a ranger here that too alive " eve " That was not the deal " Scrozzle " The deal was to make you more stings.. which I have but they won't work like yours did" Eve " Fine .. I will take this and prove you that I am capable of being your general "

[ On Spaceship]

Zayto and fern were murmuring something as if they were speaking in thier nightmare...

( In fern's nightmare)

She is a little girl spending time with her grandma happily living with her .. with young girls around and them playing with dolls and other toys.. enjoying her birthday ..but it all suddenly disappears and she sees her parents fight and talking about getting divorced as she is frightened of what could happen.. she could hear the voices of other people judging her telling her that she was the reason they got divorced.. she screamed in her nightmare " NO. NO. NO " which could only be heard as low as a murmuring voice to the rangers beside her ..

( In zayto's nightmare)

In his memory he was little boy .. playing with his friends.. and being happy with his family and friends.. mom.. zella..aiyon .. cam.. and many of them they were celebrating triple sun festival.. opening gifts ... Like ursco ( scarf ) and ommato ( Coat ).. but then it all disappears he listens to all the cries around him of families who lost their fathers or brother including his own family ... he felt devestated for loosing his father... and could here the words of his father " Take care of your family " .. even though they were the words by his father he knew he lost him and now it was all in his head again as if he was a little child with all these responsibilites . He screamed in his nightmare " Dad .... No....Dad "

Reine " I believe this will work " Ollie " You sure .. but it can be dangerous for them " Solon " Let them take the decision " Javi " What is it ? " Izzy asked fumbling a lot " Did you. Did you found a cure for them ? " Reine " Yes but it is a little dangerous " Amelia " What is it ? " ollie " they need a little memory comeback to who they are now .... So if we show them who they are they can be awaken .. and we can only do this by the next few hours .. or " .. the silence filled the room " They could die "

All stood in disbelief but Izzy was determined to save fern " What is it .?.. I'm willing to do anything that there is " Solon " Well you won't be in danger child... The thing is that rafkonians have the power to show each other memories... but if they do this to them then it can be harmful for them more than anyone...so if Amelia and Aiyon are willing to take the risk .. then it can be possible " ... " Let them be .. I will help them " .. Orria said ... Ollie " No you are still weak .. you cannot do it " Aiyon " I'm ready tell me what I have to do " Amelia " Yes we are ready " .

Amelia holding izzy from one hand and fern from another to show fern her memories ... And Aiyon holding solon and Zayto ... Zayto and Fern's brain were connected to tube like structure through which they were studying their brains.. Izzy , Amelia , Solon and Aiyon were also connected with those wires .Reine " Ready " Aiyon "Ready " Ollie " I still don't think this is a good idea " Amelia " We will be fine .. don't worry "

Amelia was holding Fern's one hand and Izzy's one hand . Whereas Aiyon took Solons one hand and Zayto's another. Solon " now " Reine " Yes " . As the memories passed from each other ... Amelia and Aiyon screamed in pain as though they felt someone was torturing them ..Izzy and Solon didn't even feel a thing but could only look at them with sadness in their eyes .... After a few minutes.. Aiyon gave up .. he couldn't do it anymore.... Amelia was still standing but screaming and then her body started glowing as she turned more pale .... But at the same time Fern's brain started responding again on the screen .. Reine " Look she is coming back " Fern started moving again .. her body started moving and suddenly her body stood with an " Huh " .. and she was brought back . As Izzy caught fern. Amelia fell on the ground because of how weak she was.. ollie dashed towards her and picked her up " Ames.. ames... You good ? " she couldn't even reply.

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